Saturday, May 19, 2018

Bye Bye College, Hello Real World!

Well, I am officially done with school. It is SO wired to even say that! Ever since, I was five, basically my first day of Kindergarten, I have been in a classroom learning. First it was learning to write letters and numbers, then that turn into writing other words, then sentences, and then papers, and obviously how to read. Reading and writing both come hand in hand. Then it's no surprise I completed my Journalism Certificate, since I stuck with reading and writing in English. I may also took on the French language along the way. Let's just say I need to practice my French, because I am more fluent in English.

But after graduating high school, once I got to college I was not in college for the full time. I did a few semesters of college classes, but decided I need to take a break, and be in the world for a bit to figure out what I really wanted to do. That is alright. If you just graduated high school, and feel like you need a break from school. Take it! You're allowed too. No one is stopping you—you have every right to figure out who you are and who you want to be. It was something I suffered from when first starting in college feeling like I was forced to go to school even though I did not know what I wanted to study at first. A lot of college freshmen and students go through the same thing. Ask people around you how many times they switched their majors in college (if they did).

With having that feeling of not knowing where I wanted to go in life, and what I wanted to study, I felt lost. I managed to come across a poster for Walt Disney World on the Madison College campus. Truly, confused why there is a poster for Walt Disney World on a college campus. Spring Break trip? "Sure! Rollercoasters, spending time with Mickey Mouse, all the Florida sunshine to soak up," I thought to myself. "SIGN ME UP! I AM GOING TO THIS MEETING!"  I then head to the meeting to find out the opposite of little college trip. It was more of "Live. Learn. Earn." internship. Also, what I personally consider a internship of a lifetime (this is the 2010 and 2012 me, not the 2009 me).

So, the 2009 me considers this as an option for one day. I remember sitting around the Magic Kingdom or Epcot in the past (1998, 1999, 2000, or 2002... if dates are right), more I think of it I think it was a trip I took with my family in 2000. So, I was watching a custodial cast member on their trash run, or a food and beverage cast member busing off a table in a seating area for a restaurant outdoor dinning area (the cast member was probably also Disney College Program Intern, just thinking about it.). Just watching them do their job, and thinking: "how does one get a job at Walt Disney World?" I mean, just imagine popping that into a conversation that you work for one of the most famous theme parks and one of the most famous entertainment company in the world? It's nothing but a conversation starter! (Learned this from past experiences.) So, this was part of the decision factor for the summer. I could do an internship at Walt Disney World. This was no April's Fool joke.

So, in Fall of 2009 I applied for my first Disney College Program. Got it! Headed down to Orlando, Florida to work in Epcot (my FAVORITE park!), went in the Spring and Summer of 2010, FELL IN LOVE WITH IT! I believe you all know that story well. Then came home in August 2010. I started missing Walt Disney World like a mad person! It is something that everyone who has completed their Disney College Program, Disney Cultural Representative Program, Disney Professional Internship, Disney International Internship Program, and etc.—one will end up getting Disney Post Distress Disorder (it's a fake disease that full-time cast members make up working with a bunch of Disney interns). It's nothing serious, it's just that after living and working at Walt Disney World anywhere between three months, five months, seven months, up to a year, it is something that you get used to. Also, your Walt Disney World o'hana (family) is a tight-knit group as well. With those two things that you experience every day, plus it is something no one in the outside world understands, you long to go back to have that life again (in short, I will do another blog post to write fully about it).

Like I said above in the last paragraph, I FELL IN LOVE with the Disney College Program, I wanted to go back to work at Walt Disney World, again! I did a semester and a year at Madison College, so I could go back to Disney in the spring and summer of 2012, which I did. In August 2012, I came back from another completed program, and working at Downtown Disney (now Disney Springs). I learned a lot on my second one, very important lessons, I could NEVER had learned in a Madison College classroom (same with the 2010 program, but different life lessons). But after coming back in August of 2012, I ended up taking a gap year (a year and a semester off) to do some soul searching, and to figure out what I wanted to do. So, within that time I motivated myself to really look into myself to see what I wanted to do career wise.

Working for Disney one thing it reinstated in me was that I like stories. I like listening, reading, and watching stories, also sometimes myself I enjoy sharing stories of my own, or making up little stories in my head and throwing them down on paper. When working at Walt Disney World, I always enjoyed listening to stories of my fellow cast members, or my coordinators, trainers, or managers about how they found their way to Disney or just another story about their lives. Also, something that Disney reinstated in me was that everyone, every place, and everything has a story to be told, and maybe (if okayed) to be shared.

Another thing I took in consideration when thinking about a career path was, working with social media. As a kid who grew up in the 90's where I have memories of running around in backyards with my friends, or my cousins, I've got a childhood full of imagination, and outdoor fun. But when I got older around third grade being introduced to computers, along with the internet (the 90's version of the internet, before Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, etc.—PLEASE DON'T AGE ME! NOR CALL ME OLD!), also a 90's version of Microsoft Word (I miss that little dancing paper clip (Clippy? Was that his name?)). I grew up in a world where you could run around outside, until mom or dad called for dinner, and a young age of computers and internet. I got both worlds, the outdoor adventures one, and the Information Age, where you can Google just about anything.

But the more I got older, and went through school, the internet and technology kept on changing, and quickly (faster today). By the time I started college, there where fancier Blackbarry smartphones out  in competition with Apple's iPhones. Then one day in 2011, according to 'How I Met Your Mother', it was mentioned in a line in the show how everything suddenly changed, and everyone had their nose in their phone (anyone remember that?). But, I believe that statement was true. Suddenly one day in 2011, everything suddenly shifted over to smartphones. I did not realize this until I got my first iPhone in 2013. BOY! That was an eye opener for me! If you needed something to know, you could Google it, and know who that actor is, in that TV show or movie your watching. Or tweet or Facebook you're opinion and reaction about what happened on the new Game of Thrones episode (don't spoil it for anyone).

With growing up around the newly formed world of social media, with MySpace being new in high school, and then when Facebook opened up to high school students. Then once I was in college Twitter became the new thing (around 2009), then Instagram became the newest thing (2012 or 2013), and then Vine and Snapchat. I was thrown into the world of self-teaching myself how to use these new platforms. So, with the people who are older and younger than me too. With having this new field of way to reach out to the world as a person, a famous person, or a business. That is where social media became handy in the work force, and the real world. I tried to learn what I could form the different social media platforms that came out. I mainly stick with the main ones, because there is no way I am keeping up with every little application that comes out on a daily basis.

So, with my love of telling stories, and working with social media... I thought I would be perfect going to the Communications field. As, was looking through the branches of Communications I did not see much for social media. I looked at Journalism, and saw that this is a way I can share stories. That was the major thing that caught my eye. I went back to school in the Fall of 2013 - Spring of 2015 to get some of my generals out of the way. I have not had a chance to do that hence, yours truly was considering joining the Mickey Mouse Club (and getting it started up again) while working at Walt Disney World, did not consider what credits I still needed to finish. Got to the school bridge, then realize I had to quickly take care of the generals that I ignored.

Thank you to my lovely friend (the hand model)
 helping me during Valentine's Day!

In Fall of 2015 I started my major path of Journalism. Took a good starting class (Introduction to Mass Communications) for my major. If you are going into the Communications field, you need to learn about the whole field and it's laws and ethics before you take anything on.  Turned out that professor turned out to be my advisor once changed my degree into a Journalism Certificate degree, and also my instructor for many other Journalism classes I took.

So, in that introduction class I had to write an article for the Clarion (Madison College's Student Newspaper) for extra credit. I wanted to do well in school, and general. I took that opportunity to write for the paper. The first meeting I went to I wanted to check it out to see what it was like. I also went with the guy I sat next to in the class too. We both are inspiring to become future journalists (I am. Him? Not sure, I think he is more leaning towards broadcasting—I lost touch with him, until this last semester he popped in shared interest working with our online radio station (more on that later)).  At first walking into the newspaper office was daunting, but interesting, it had this excitement to it. I did not sign up for stories at first, I was just there to get a feel out of it. I managed to comeback to another meeting, the advisor of the newspaper talked with me to let me know, that this whole deer in front of the headlights thing is normal. I managed to muster up signing up for my first article, and around that time I was offered the position of Sports Editor. The one before me was overwhelmed with everything going on her life, so I ended up taking the job over for her. I also mentioned during the first meeting I was interested in doing social media stuff for the Clarion.

So, I was on double duty: Sports Editor and Social Media (have been up until my last day). I was helping run the Facebook account, I would post about when our new issues came out, and any other exciting happenings. In the Fall 2015 I helped living up our Twitter account, by posting new issues, and help to highlight articles that we wrote (added on the new banner in Spring of 2016). Then the Summer of 2016 (going into Fall of 2016) I revived our old Instagram account. I saw a sticky note on one of the old computers in our old office, and thought I would joking try the password to see if it worked. Surprisingly, did! Got into it, did not think much of it, until a meeting we had for our first issue of the next school year (2016-17). Logged into it, to post a picture to prove a point of we got our Instagram account active again.

 The screen shots of the social media I helped with. 
With content posted by yours truly.

During my last year (2017-18) at the Clarion we got a new branch of the Clarion called, Clarion Broadcasting. This is where we have a YouTube channel for the Clarion, and staffs' videos that they have made appear and people can watch them (I have made a few videos myself for the channel). The videos are based off of the Madison College community, Madison Community, or Wisconsin. The content varies. We also got ourselves our very own radio station this year called Clarion Radio. You can listen to it here (under 'Listen to Clarion Radio'). They did a radio show for Halloween, it was a bunch of students who came together to voice "Wars of the Worlds" and put on a Madison College twist to this H. G. Wells's original version, and modernized it. My lovely sports section writers came together to put together their own show on Clarion Radio, called WolfPack Recap (they also have a Twitter account too; because I know someone would want me to add that in). It was originally one of them at first, then they added on. They also took on doing play-by-plays for basketball games and softball games (which they ended up with two others who helped them).

From the Clarion Instagram 
Working for the Clarion was one of the most fun, and exciting experience of my life, it's up there with working at Walt Disney World! I got to meet so many different people who where on staff, and also many different wonderful individuals that make up the Madison College community! With working with the Clarion one can go on many conferences around the United States to win awards, also to network with future employers and co-workers, and also learn more about being a journalist. Also, getting to see the staff everyday and just enjoying time with them. I am truly going to miss you all. I know I have said that more than once to you in person.

While working on the newspaper, and learning about the path of journalism (through classes, and also the newspaper) was an interesting experience. Even now, with the way the world is, and how our politics are in America—with the way they view journalists. Right now it is an interesting time to be a journalist (even though I was a student one), and to be in the world of Journalism. We have people deeming news real or fake. The Clarion reports on real news, we inform the public about what is actually happening around them (to a certain extent, hence it being a student newspaper). But, reporting the truth and nothing but the truth, and local events that are of interest of the Madison College community.

 Awards we have won. Top would be Best of the Midwest and
Wisconsin Newspaper Association (Winter 2017).
Bottom would be Best of the Midwest and Wisconsin
Newspaper Association (Winter and Spring 2018).

Like I mentioned in the introduction, it is wired to say I have completed my Journalism Certificate, and to say I am done with being a student (for now). The door is always open, there is always more time to earn more degrees if I see fit. There is nothing wrong with taking a break from education, and living in the real world for a bit. In college or the real world, you learn new things everyday about the world around you, and yourself. You do not need to be stuck in a classroom. One thing the Madison College experience taught me through these years, is that there is always something out there to be learned. One does not need to be on that path of what others set out for them, make your own path, go follow that. You will grow into a much stronger, and better person. The world values you, just for being yourself. Go out there, and find your adventure! I am off discovering my new one too! I know it's scary, but I believe I can do it, and I know you can too!

If you are interested in reading my other articles I wrote 

for the Clarion >> They all can be found here.

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