Friday, May 25, 2018

Get Inspired Series: Women Who Inspire Me

"Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them." I can easily relate to this quote because I was raised by a strong woman, and I was raised with stories about strong female characters who stand their own ground.  I get inspired by the smallest things, it could be a motivational or inspirational quote, or just what was said as a line in a television show.

With International Women's Day being celebrated in March I thought it would be fitting to do a little ode to the women who have inspired me over the past few years. Anything from women who I known from Disney to any actress you can find on the screen. I have fallen love with their characters as well, but the real women behind them are women who stay true to themselves. I am still inspired by the women who are in my family, and my friends. If I made a list off all the women who inspire me throughout my life, I would be constantly writing, and no one would see the finished product. I hold all of you lovely women in my heart, dearly.

But what makes all these women interesting to me is the stories they tell, or the way they motivate other women. It can be anything from a small Instagram post with a quote in it, or the fact that they take to Instagram to share how to have a healthier lifestyle (working out and eating right). But, may just having a physically healthy lifestyle as well, but how to keep your mental well being healthy as well.

Some of these women are older, around my age, or younger than I am. There are no rules about age limit to someone to look up to. Everyone has a right to pick their own role models. Role models who help you through a rough time in your life, or give you inspiration when your feeling down about yourself. Possibly people who share your values, and also gives you motivation for when you are headed into doing something hard, like an exam, or another next step in your life. They are there for you to push you on and to help to keep you going. Your role models are there to keep you going through your good, bad, and your ugly. They are one of the many guides that help you towards the light at the end of the tunnel you are in.

  List of the Women who Inspire Me: & Why the inspire me 

Sophie Turner: Have a free spirit, be who you are no matter what others think. From what I gather reading her interviews, or coming across her on social media: is be yourself. You have a brightness to the world that only you can bring. Don't be afraid to show the world who you are. Only you have your sense of humor, and your personality. What I learned from Sophie is be okay with who you are, and no one will judge you for it. They will like you more for you being you. Take the piss out of yourself too.

Also to stand up for what you believe in, also to be brave. I may have also gotten that from her character on "Game of Thrones", Sansa Stark, but I think Sophie is a brave young woman too. Maybe it's just not Sansa, it's Sophie. As well: a thing I learned from Sophie is work hard, go with the things that scare you, and try new things. But one lesson I did learn from her, would be do not lose sight of who you are. Embrace yourself.

Rose Lelise: One thing I learned from this actress would be, get engrossed into stories. Never be ashamed for liking a good story. That story is a good adventure to travel down, it is also okay to geek out over the story as well. I feel like I personally lot sight of that. I used love reading and being engrossed into Harry Potter books. Always an adventure with Harry, Harmonie, and Ron. It just doesn't have to be Harry Potter it can be with Game of Thrones or other series. Take adventure with those characters as well. Also, get re-in-touch with series you enjoyed as a child, even though it was a cartoon then, now it's blockbuster movie series! Once I get a chance to, I think you may find me on my couch diving into that movie series.

I believe we may have the same motto when it comes to stories: make sure there are strong characters, with a strong plot-line. I am learning things from the characters she has played during her career. From what I've seen of the two characters she played so far, they're both strong women. Each of these characters fight for what they believe in, and stand their ground, firmly. It is something I am learning on the go, it's something I think we all need to be during our lives.

Claire (aclaireytale): Claire, oh where to begin? Just want to first say thank you for being a light during a dark tunnel in my life after my second program in 2012. Just motivating me to get off my 'felling sorry for myself horse' and to get a job. Not sure how you did it with your blog about your first program experience. Even though we did not know each other well at the time, you helped me out a lot. I don't think I can ever be thankful enough for you.

You surprised me with your news that you where going back to do another year stint at Walt Disney World in 2017-2018. It was such awesome news that you where headed back to work in your one of your favorite places in the world again. It was nice for me to see that you where vlogging your way through your program. It was nice to see that you where back working at Epcot again, and lived in my old apartment complex (there is nothing like Vista Way). You made me miss Disney World with your vlogging, but it is interesting to see how much has changed through your videos. With these videos you are motivating me to save up for my first individual Disney vacation so I can go out and check things out as a guest (in a first time in awhile) to see what is like after working as a Disney Cast Member.

I enjoy watching your vlog every week. I do not know what to expect! Always something fun around the corner. Even though you have finished your second program, you still have more memories to share with us on Youtube. But since you have gotten home, you have done leaps and strides for yourself. Within around being home for two to three months, you have landed your dream full-time job, and you and Simon have landed your dream house. Quite the accomplishments! I am so proud of you, and how you stay so positive, and you have that go getter attitude! You inspire me to do the same. Not have the negative thoughts in life, and being down on yourself. You are always encouraging your audiences to have a positive attitude because life is short, and look on the bight side of life and keep on going, and encouraging each other. You are one of the most inspiring people I have known from Disney, and I love you dearly for that! Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for what you have done for me, words cannot even describe (more than you ever know)!

Oona Chaplin: She has taught me to dance around while hoovering (I mean vacuuming for American audiences). Not personally, she is an actress who played a small part on Game of Thrones, if anyone remembers her... (If you are big on Game of Thrones, you will remember her). Oona is a free spirited woman, who works hard, and who always have that drive to be working on something. If she is not working she is spending her free time with friends, and dancing around to music on her days off.

Oona is like me, she caught the travel bug. I always enjoy reading her interviews or listening to her in interviews talking about places she wants to go, or have been. She's very cultured, and it's interesting to hear her stories. One thing I am taking away from her, is do not be afraid to take on the world and travel to new places, and learn about the culture there. Dive into the culture. 

Emilia Clarke: "Be the dragon", work hard, but remember to have fun. Don't take life to seriously. In interviews she seems always to be a light of sunshine. She is an amazing comedian in her own right. Not sure how, but if I am having a bad day and I do come across a video on YouTube of Emilia being funny and silly it brightens up my day! She plays serious roles in movies and Game of Thrones, but after that's done she is back to being her bubbly self.

Another thing Emilia has taught me is always be reading a book of some kind. She grew up in a family of big readers, and it made her into a great storyteller that she is. Just like her friend Rose Leslie (who is also on the list) be engrossed in the stories you are reading or watching. Also, you can learn things about your friends and family about the books they read. Here is that great quote by Emilia, herself:
"My father always says, ‘Never trust anyone who has a TV bigger than their bookshelf.’ So I make sure I read. Back at home, I just put up a massive bookcase and asked everyone I know and love to help me fill it with their favorite books. It’s been quite nice because I’ve learned a lot about my friends and family from what they’ve been giving me. A book says a lot about a person."
From a recent interview I have read that profiled Emilia for her upcoming Star Wars film (the new Hon Solo one) it showed her intellectual side. She always enjoys learning, and discussing big issues with people. She was brought up that way in her family. Emilia teaches me that you are always learning, growing, and do not shy away from your intellectual and nerdy side. Open up and be welcome to learning. There is always something out there in the world to learn about.  

Darci (Freedom of Excess): The girl who introduced me to the world of Sports Journalism! She is a big Olympic lover like I am, so that made bonding with Darci easy, we bonded over our love for United States and Soviet Russia 1980 hockey (Miracle on Ice, and Olympic hockey), hockey in general, and obviously Olympics sports (all kinds of them). We also help each other through rough patches we both ran into in life.

Darci got me into starting this blog! I've been reading her's for ages. It's full of different things, adventures (traveling, and just normal adventures) she has been on. A cute, adorable, and funny story about that time she and her parents rafted the Colorado River, ending in the ER (everyone was alright, just scratches and bruises). She also started a series (was it a series? I don't remember)— either way it was something that really stuck with me. It was something along the lines of Darci introducing the world to what she was really proud of herself that week, and what made her stronger as a person. It was interesting watching her grow throughout the time period she did that. Also, I enjoyed reading her Women Crush(ing It) Wednesdays series. Darci, can those make a comeback?! I enjoyed reading about the women who you admire and inspire you.

Darci, there is something special about you. You know how to tell stories very well. It is always a delight to read your blog posts about your adventures you have been on. About the Paralympics you have worked when you where working with Team USA (Rio and PyeongChang), the late hours you had during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Your time being a volunteering for the 2012 London Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony. Even though you don't work for Team USA anymore, good luck on your job hunt, and your next adventure in the sports world. I am also looking for something too, so it's so wired to be on the same square ground as you. One of us was in school, while the other was working somewhere. Now, we are both on the job hunt!

Isabelle Cornish: She is an Australian actress, she was in ABC's Marvel's "Inhumans", not that well known around these parts. I came across her Instagram one day, and that opened a new light to me. She is an runner (just like me), she loves healthy eating, and mindfulness. Not only is Isabelle a actress, runner, she is also a blogger too. She blogs about various things.

Isabelle is one of the many people I follow on Instagram who posts about their workouts, what they are eating healthy, and what they are doing to stay healthy (my cousin, and my other cousin's girlfriend are doing the same). While she is posting that stuff, she is encouraging others, to get going on their healthy lifestyle, and also to feel free. She goes through good and bad days like we do. Some of Isabelle's Instagram posts helped me through some of my crappy days, and other times some posts just spoke to me.

Emmi Kainulainen: To bring out my inner creativity, and work hard. To also be creative throughout art. I have not started up painting like I said I would. But seeing Emmi's artwork on display on her Instagram account, is just beautiful. I would consider her an abstract artist. I am at the moment not putting her into a movement, because I am not sure what the current art movements are... but I will describe her art as pink, bright, and airy. Emmi is one of those artists who will use color with her mood. She does not just paint, she also designs her own cloths, and does some interior designing too.

I follow Emmi's individual Instagram, as long as her one she made for her artwork only, and her one for her new businesses: FEDITED. She is also the founder of CHAÎNE which is a clothing line she opened up. It's inspiring to see her own her own business, and then open up a new one with one of her friends. Just seeing posts about working hard, and paving your own way that she posts is inspiring in it's own right. I have a lot of respect for her not only own a business, but running two at the same time. It motivates me to work hard, no matter what, work hard. Also, if you love doing what you do, you do not feel like you work at all. I am in awe of Emmi's lets go out and get it attitude. Women who run their own business or help own a business inspire me, Emmi and my mom are the two women who I admire the most who are in this category.

These are some of the many women who inspire me. Like I mentioned before if I could do a blog post dealing with everyone of you, it would never be done. I would be constantly writing it. I have so many strong, wonderful, beautiful, brave, and smart women in my life, I love you all dearly. I truly do not know what the world would be like without you all. We all have beautiful stories to share, tell the world who we are, we are not done yet, our adventures are just beginning.

** Pictures taken from fansites or Instagram accounts **

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