Sunday, March 18, 2018

Get Inspired Series: Do What Makes You HAPPY!

Have you ever been so stressed out, you feel just run down and tired? I have been there, I am here at the moment. Things in my life have been stressing me out lately. I cannot put my finger on it, but something has been stressing me out.

If you feel the same, I think it is time for us all to give ourselves some time to be happy. Do something that makes you happy, whatever it maybe... DO IT! I am doing that right now by writing this blog entry for you. Writing is one of the many things that makes me happy.

Life is stressful, that means it does not have to be stressful all the time. Your allowed to give yourself a little break, and do the things you enjoy. It gives you a time to unwind from your stressful day, and makes you happier.  I am not just talking about the whole coming home after a long day, and just grabbing a snack or dinner and watching television until you go to bed. Doing something that really makes you happy. “Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.” - Confucius. 

I personally believe if you give yourself time to relax, and do the things you enjoy it re-energizes you. You know how sometimes (everyday) you have to charge your cell phone and your laptop, I have a feeling we should do that for ourselves. We should try to do it everyday too, but knowing how busy we are, we should try at least twice or three times a week to do things that make ourselves happy. Just to replenish ourselves.  

I believe it we start with ourselves, and make ourselves happy, we can make others happier. Not trying to sound selfish or anything, but change in the world, starts with you. If your more likely to be happier, you will treat others with respect, and that goes for them as well.

- Unknown

I am not sure what makes you guys happy, but here a few things that make me happy. I enjoy doing to get my mind of stressful things that are in my life.

Writing: Writing is something that can help me through things. If I don't feel comfortable talking to anyone about it, I will write about it. I will write out the feelings I cannot exactly put my finger on in a journal (if running does not help me figure out what's really going on). It helps me figure out little bit better, and help me figure out where I should go from there on. So in a way you can say it is sorta a therapy for me.

I also enjoy writing for an audience, that is why I enjoy working on the school's paper, and also writing in this blog. I like sharing things about what is going on in the world, or in my community. Introducing people in profiles that are doing amazing things, telling someone about a new coffee shop that is opening, or whatever else you can imagine being in the news. But mainly informing people about the world, or people around them. Giving the audience a chance for themselves to decide about how they feel about that new show, album, or book I reviewed. Informing people about what is happening in the next election, about the candidates who their voting on, so they know who their voting for, and what the candidates stand for.

Sometimes I find myself writing little stories too. Short tidbits of what could be stories, but they do not have much of a plot line or characters. But just a little funny thought in my head, I just write the little scene out to practice my creative writing. I am use to writing for news articles, or academically for school—which does not give me a chance to be creative with my writing. I can be a little creative in those writing to catch the readers attention, and to form the article or assignment into an interesting read. Just writing in general clams me down. Gives me a chance to release some stress.

“You’re always going to write and draw inspiration from things that you’re feeling, things that you’ve felt.” - Harry Styles

Reading: I really enjoy a good story, no matter what form it comes in: a book, a television series, or a movie. I have a bunch of books laying around my apartment that I need to start, or finish. How many books am I reading currently at the moment (not counting school)? Three or four... I lost count. Because I have a bunch of book piles laying around with various books. Within these book piles there are books I am actually reading, and forgetting about. I will come back and read them and finish the story. I still have an idea what is happening in the story when I pick up where I left off.

Reading is something for me where I can leave the stress of the real world, and go adventures with different characters. Going on these adventures with these characters in a book makes me deal with the characters' stresses and problems, and I can forget about mine for a little while. I can be in a space station, in the wild wild west, or somewhere in a made up universe running around with the plot line I happen to be in. While reading the story I make a up a little movie in my head, I can put anyone in the roles of the different characters and create my own version of the story in my head while I am reading.

“My father always said: 'Never trust anyone whose TV is bigger than their book shelf.'” - Emilia Clarke

Going on Adventures/Running: I personally feel like both of these categories go together. Because I feel like a walk, hike, or a run is an adventure in it's own right. Did I mention, I love going on adventures? If I haven't, I do! If I am feeling stressed out, I will either go on a walk, hike, or run to clear my head, and to get some needed fresh air. Sometimes the wheels in your own head get you a little bit crazy, this is one way to figure out what is making them turn, or to put them on mute for a little bit.


I am fortunate enough to live in a city that has an amazing bike path system, and have many walking trails, and also many places one can go on a walk/hike/run. These trails, and parks are used by people on daily basis. Gives one a chance to get out, and take a walk, run, or a bike ride to get away from everything. I also venture off to be in my own little quiet spots where I can listen to myself think things out, and come to some inner peace. If possible to do my own little meditation thing I do to clam down. Or just to take in the nature, or the beautiful day, to hear the birds sing me their little songs.

“Adventure is worthwhile in itself.” - Amelia Earhart

Hanging out with my Friends and/or Family: If you do not want to be alone, go hangout with your friends and/or family. If you need to talk something out they are their for you. Maybe their going through the same thing your going through, they're the shoulder to lean on. There are times where I just call up or go out to eat with my Mom or Dad. Not only to catch up with them, but just to talk with them about things.


Take time out to get a coffee with a friend or family member, it can be a weekly or monthly thing. Catch up on things you have missed, or just talk to them about things going on in your life that is stressing you out. It is good to have those connections. We all are humans, and we need our support system, just like they need us. They're your net, they will catch you when you are falling. They will also be there for you when you fall.

“You need a really solid foundation of friends and family to keep you where you need to be.” - Lilly Singh
If anything, take some time out for yourself to make yourself happy. You will be better of in the long run. Find your inner peace, and you will find peace with the world you live in.

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