Monday, June 1, 2015

Disney Internships: A MUST DO!

I did two Disney College Programs, which is something you can do as an internship (click for a list of internships available, if interested) for the Walt Disney Company. I did both of these programs in Walt Disney World in 2010 and also in 2012. I did work in Epcot in 2010 (also a small stint in ESPN's Wilde World of Sports in March during the Atlanta Braves Spring training season), then in 2012 I worked in Downtown Disney, as a custodial role in the big show we call Walt Disney World. Was one of the thousands of cast members to help the show run smoothly. It's actually quite a fun job, to help this show stay alive!

I been finding myself missing the happiest place on earth lately.  I am also listening to some Walt Disney World park music loops while writing this and the past week, so yeah I got the missing the mouse bug, really bad! It's been five years since I worked at Epcot and the Wilde World of Sports and three since working at Downtown Disney, so it's been a while since I have been there. I still have friends from both programs who are living there now and still working at Disney or have moved back to work there again. I also have some friends who stayed and extend their programs which you can do, or do a Professional Internship. I have thought of doing the Professional Internship, but never acted on it. May actually attempt to soon? Who knows, we have to wait and see. But at the rate on missing Walt Disney World like I am it may be a possibility.

So I am sorry for leaving everyone hanging on how to get involved in doing one, because I have gotten interests up, haven't I?! Well for the Disney College Program you have to be a college student in the United States, and who has one semester of college credits out of the way. You can choose to work at Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, Florida or work at Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California. You cannot choose both. What I would suggest would be if you want to work at both do two separate Disney College Programs at each location, if that is to your liking. The Disney College Program have Fall and Spring Programs that either run through five to seven months long. But what if I am living in another country, like Canada, Finland, Germany, Russia or etc. you ask? Well you can do the International Representative Programs, this is where you get to work at Walt Disney World for three months up to a year (you can do a year if you live in one of the countries who have a pavilion in the Epcot World Showcase and end up working in one of those pavilions, just click on Cultural Representative Program). For each Disney Internships Programs the arrival dates vary, so it will matter on the date you apply or what school you go to if your applying to the Disney College Program. If you have already done a full Disney College Program or the International Representative Programs you can do a Professional Internship or do another program if you really did like it.

I do have oodles of memories! I am willing to share those with you guys in different new blog posts, they are stories of their own! Also this post would be probably big as the largest book on the planet when I got done with it. Or bigger! But here are things that I will tell you now. This is an experience that will change your life. If you have any questions about this don't be afraid to ask me or Disney themselves. We're free to help and share our stories. But I learned a lot about myself doing this the first and second time I did it. I met some amazing people I still keep in touch with from all over the world. I would not have trade this experience for anything else.

Things that are a must during the program:
  • Explore all of Walt Disney World or Disneyland that you can.
  • Make a guest smile, a day. It makes the days when you really homesick and sad a lot brighter. The guest will also make you smile as well. 
  • Become best friends with your roommates. 
  • Learn a different language and culture. 
  • Learn things about yourself. 

Splash Mountain with the roommates is a must! 

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