Sunday, May 20, 2018

My Last Semseter at Madison College

In the last post I did, I talked about my college experience as a whole. I did not focus on what I really did on my last semester at Madison College. I do not know why, but I want to fill you in on my last semester at Madison College.

When thinking about my past semesters I had during my career as a student at Madison College, they always have some stress built into them. Especially, during the beginning of the semester getting settled into your classes, then midterms, then the world of finals, final projects, and final paper hits. There is always something going on when I am jugging between four/five classes, with the newspaper, and my job at the bar. Normal, when one juggles things in their life.

But this last semester it did not seem that stressful. Yes, there where times of stress. But it did not feel like I was overwhelmed by it, like I normally be. I strangely without thinking about it handling it just well. I had that normal stress with beginning of the semester, then midterms, with finals, the school paper, plus working the bar job. It was all a breeze to me. I mean, I highly enjoyed my classes this semester. I loved this semester, I think it is one of my favorite semesters of my college experience.

I did apply to transfer colleges because I was on the transfer program also at Madison College. I applied to University of Wisconsin - Madison (for Journalism). I have not heard back from them, not sure about what is going on there personally. I also applied to University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (for Journalism). I did not get in. I am not depressed that I have not heard back from Madison yet, nor getting into the Twin Cities. This is a message for me to take a break from school, and try again if I am thinking about going back earning another degree. The door to education is always open.

Working at the paper and on the broadcasting team for the Clarion was quite fun. It was busy when I had both meetings back to back, but it was highly worth it. I got to work with my sports section fully, because the section became a multimedia route. It is something I highly encouraged as an editor. I took this from one of my professors, he said just doing print would not cut it anymore as a journalist. One needs to be doing video, radio, broadcasting, being a photographer, print, and also social media stuff. I used to not be a big fan of this. But now thinking about this, and learning about myself that I am pretty good at editing video (a few years ago, I was not that confident), this is the way to go. Also, after taking my On Air Broadcasting class, I like the radio and video side of things too. It's quite fun!

Also, with the paper I got to go to many conferences this year. We did a very good job when it came to cleaning up awards at the Wisconsin Newspaper Association conference. We managed to win one for our last issue of the 2016-17 school year, where I managed to score the headline article about our new Student Life offices. So, it was an honor to see that issue get rewarded with an award.


The other two conferences I went to where pretty special in their own right. I got invited by provost of our college to go to this ESPN Women's in Sports Reporting conference. It was more like a round table that was put on by ESPN Madison. It was interesting to listen to these women's stories in their field. It was truly inspiring for me. They talked about how it was important for them to do what they do, and why it is important to get more air time, and more respect for women in broadcasting, and also women who compete as athletes on the rink, pitch, field, court, and etc. because it's important to bring your grandmothers, mother, aunts, daughters, nieces, and granddaughters to these sporting events. Also, it's more especially important to bring your grandfathers, father, uncles, sons, nephews, and grandsons to women sporting events too, so they can gain respect for women in the sports world, and grow support for women in sports. It was something really inspiring to take away from, considering doing sports stuff for good after all. Let's see where the future takes me...

Left to right: ESPN Madison's Women's in Sports Broadcasting
& UW-Madison's Journalism School's Center for Ethics nametags

The second conference I went to was Journalism Ethics, it was put on by the University of Wisconsin - Madison Journalism School, and also their Center for Journalism Ethics. I was the only one from the Clarion who went to this. Little bummed that no one joined me. I understand why, because it was right in the mist of the end of the semester, and finals coming up. The things that where discussed where how to deal with shifting through news, and finding the fake news, and what to do about it. How to gain your readers back, and how to show the world that you, as the news organization you are in, you are truthful to your readers. What we should do as journalists, in the future of Journalism itself, how should we go on in this world we are in. It was highly interesting, and I am ready to go back to next years, and see what that conference covers.

 Screenshots of the videos I made. You can watch them on the link below.

I managed to do a video series for one of my Journalism classes, it was not intended to turn out to be big as it was. It was supposed to be a profile about either a student, an instructor, or another faculty member of the Madison College community. I had a couple choices in mind, at least four. Three out of the four responded and let me know they where okay with doing a video profile. I couldn't say no. I took it on as my own little mini honors project. I did not sign up to do anything like an honors project, but giving myself one just to make me feel like I had one (even though it didn't count for anything). I am proud of myself for completing this series, and working though different things to get them published. I found stories that I wanted to be told too. So, I am glad I made those videos to introduce to the world the amazing people I work, I mean used to work with with everyday at Madison College.

Speaking of used to working with amazing people at Madison College everyday, I am going to miss those who I worked at the paper with everyday. It's been a week already and I finished my Madison College student, and Sports Editor career, and I am already missing everyone! I know everyone is in the general area, and we can see each other whenever we want, but when it hits Fall. That will be a different story, everyone will be off doing their own little thing.

Our Opinion Editor planned a bonfire at her house. It was a fun night of sharing laughs and memories with each other. Learning how to fly the Clarion Broadcasting Video Production Manager's drone, and walking down to the lake. Cooking dinner of various foods, and enjoying each other's company before graduation, and going our own ways. Like I mentioned before many times, I will never forget this group, and if you need anything you have my contact information: you know where to reach me. We may never have office hours with each other ever again, but there is nothing wrong with meeting up at the Memorial Union Terrace, and watching the sunset eating Babcock ice cream, and having a beer! Good luck on all your future adventures, I am rooting for you all on your next chapters of your lives!

With that being said, that the semester is over, and I am done with school. I have more time to update this blog (whenever I can, it won't be daily). So look for more posts coming your way! I have some exciting stuff planned for you all! I cannot wait to share it with you all!

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