Sunday, July 19, 2020

Write a Letter to 10 Year Old You

Lately we find ourselves in a very interesting 2020. None of us would've thought it would turn out how it turned out. A world health pandemic was never in our thoughts. No one thought we would be either locked down or isolating/quarantining (or whatever you want to call it) in March until June. Now that we are in the phase were things are opening up—with different views if we should or we should not, the fact that should we or should we not wear masks are in questioning. We are in July and about to find ourselves before we head into flu season; which is making experts question of what should we expect to see in Fall 2020 and Winter 2020-21, this may lead all to go back into another lockdown.

With all this pandemic stuff going on everywhere, including racial equality movements that are happening everywhere all around the world, the news, and also social media. It's a lot to take in for us all. With the world feeling like it's in the upside-down, and with everything going on, we do not know what it will turn into. There is a lot of uncertainty and confusion going on—we need to find some way to sort out how we feel about everything.

 Scott Mills (left) & Chris Stark (right) promoting their Saturdays morning show on BBC 5 Live. They 
 are also the afternoons on Mondays - Thursdays so on BBC Radio 1. [Photo credit from the BBC]

I was listening to BBC Radio 1 on Monday (July 13th), Scott Mills and Chris Stark where taking over the morning show for Greg James while he is taking time out for himself for a break this last week. I am not sure whose idea this was or where this idea came from... was found by one of them or a listener. The idea is to write a letter to your ten year old self trying to explain things to you then. The DJs said it did not necessarily have to be the pandemic or current worldwide events (but are welcomely included to be written about), it can be about what is going on in your life currently. Then explain about what is happening to you currently, to your ten year old self. Both advised to address it to your ten year old self too.

Mills and Stark were saying on air how much of a relief this was to do, and how much it helps out to think about things. Gives a different perspective on things as well too. I tried it today. I can confirms it feels wonderful! It's a bit hard once you get going on it. My first try I realized I was more writing more to an older me. I reread some of the first draft over and realized there would be words in there or how I was explaining things my ten year old self wouldn't be able to comprehend just yet. I was more writing to a 15 or a 20 year old me, than my ten year old self.

I ended up trying again, and it all clicked for me! After writing a few paragraphs I got into the flow of writing it. So I wrote all I could and managed to write a good four pages! Took a little break. Then after the break I came back and read it over to myself. When I read it to myself. I felt better about the things that are happening to me currently in my life. I included advice to me (well the advice I wish I to have received)—including other things I forget to include before that I realized I forgot to mention to myself.

I ended up writing to my ten year old self, my current self, and my future self giving myself words of encouragement at the end of the letter. Also, telling myself to stay true to myself and never lose sight of who I am.

I suggest everyone should give this a try! It will make you feel better about the current things going on in your world and the whole world itself. Right now it's a tough and dark time for us all. We all can get through this. Stay safe and healthy. Take care of yourself and others. Be kind. We will see the light at the end of the tunnel! Stay positive! 

Friday, September 27, 2019

Paris & London Trip: Introduction

I went to Paris and London with my mom recently this September (my step dad joined us when we where in London). Something to do for my upcoming birthday, it's actually in November. We decided to do it now because it would be warmer, and also Monet's garden and house would be open. I always wanted to go since I was a little girl. I read a book that featured his garden when I was little (read it over and over again), and fell in love with it.

That's not just the reason we went on this trip. I wanted to see all I could, of what I could. I did not fit everything in this time around. The best thing about this is I can go back and experience it all again. Do the same things, and also new things — with different people, who have or have not experienced it before. That's the best part of traveling is sharing experiences and places you have been before and experiencing them with someone else. 

I am not sure how many posts this will be. There is a lot I want to share with you all. The art galleries I have been to, the tourist spots I have been to also. Things about Paris and London on their own in general. Something I am still trying to work out. So, I do not want to promise any number of posts. 


During the trip I had learned so many different things I did not know. I did not realize how recent of a thing the Eurostar train was. It can be traced back to the year 1986! I thought it was something that has been around since the 1960's. The reason it can be traced back to 1986 is because of the Treaty of Canterbury, which is when the green light was given to make the project a go.

It has been on people's minds, and the France, and United Kingdom's governments minds too even before the year of 1986. But, there was to much politics in the way, and other concerns from both the people and each governments. I have no idea how the story goes, but that is what I took away when I was listening to a tour guide on a bus tour — which is my take a way. If you'd like do some research on it, go ahead, mainly you will find the backlash was more directed towards the construction of the Eurostar tunnel that goes under the English Channel.

What is nice about the Eurostar train that goes from Paris to London is that it goes under the English Channel in a tunnel. I guess I can say I traveled to London from Paris going underneath the English Channel, I find that to be a pretty amazing thing to say. It's amazing what humans can do with their engineering skills, some interesting innovations we have created! 

The length of the Eurostar tunnel is 31.35 miles long when under the English Channel, it is also anywhere between 250 - 380 feet under the English Channel. The train can only go anywhere between 90 - 100 mph under the channel, due to safety reasons. But once it is not in the channel it goes 186 mph! I found a quote on the Eurostar's website that I due truly do love, and do find fitting: 

We've created a generation that thinks nothing of lunching in London, then dining in Paris.

It's funny because I feel like I am the target generation for this quote. Because it was almost completed by the time I was born, and I was a young kid when it got completed. This quote also does target the generations after me, but I can only imagine how much time it took to travel between both Paris and London before the Eurostar.

The Eurostar is not the only thing that I learned while I was in Europe. I knew about some stuff and people, but not in complete. Charles de Gaulle is one of them, keep that name in mind while you read on into my future blog posts where I will explain more about him later. I cannot wait to share the other things with you that I found fascinating, and I would like to share with the all of you.

I am excited to share with you my adventures in Paris and London, my side of the story. If you do not follow or have been following along with my mom's and step dad's blog, you should go head over and read it, to see their side of the story as well. It's worth a read. This is the fun part about coming back from vacation is sharing the adventures that we have encountered with everyone!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Post Disney Depression: The Disney College Program Version

When signing up for the Disney College Program one is excited that they get to either work in Disneyland or Walt Disney World. Once on the program one learns the ins and outs of working for the company, the park they work in, and what kind of work they will be doing. Once training is done, everyone eventually gets into their own little routine.

Once one starts, they get to see people just finishing up their three, five, seven months or a year programs and on their way home. Something no one (who is new to the program) thinks of because it is still very new. One still has that idea of there is a real world out there, and once the program is over, one gets to go home. But one is newly on their program with their arrival group. Ready to make a bunch of memories and friends that will be remembered forever.

Fast forward to being there for a month, or two months into the program, one will realize that time is flying by. This just like with anything, into one's new job or the semester. Also, one is highly adapted into the culture of the Disney Company, and also the culture of the Disney Internships Programs life. Once one is in their routine with others, it all starts to blur into one. Everyone is on their different types of programs, but they all have the fact that they are on this adventure together.

These other interns are your roommates, co-workers, friends, part of your arrival group, neighbors, and so on and so fourth. There is that one bond connecting everyone: you all live work and play on Disney property from anywhere between three, five, seven months up to a year. You are officially in the Disney bubble, as we call it. You exist in both the real world, and your Disney bubble. It's the real world with a Disney twist. Truly, that's the only way I can describe it.

 Another favorite picture of mine, from Rhodel (on your left), with
our trainer Carrie in the middle. This was Rhodel's last shift.

If one is doing the five month, seven month, and year stints; it could feel like your stuck there forever. Not really, but each time period feels like a long time before your even half way through. But on your program, there is always something to keep you busy with work, or outside of work with your friends. Program events or non-program events, there is always something to keep one's mind busy.

Once your so into your routine on the program, and feeling so happy that you are where you are. You would be completely comfortable if someone told you this would last forever, and would easily accept this news. That is usually when it strikes you or someone pipes up and mentioned the phrase: "Post Disney Depression". This is usually one of the full timers who are trainers, and who have trained at least all of your arrival group, or one of your coordinators, or possibly even one of your managers, that mentions the phrase. These guys are not new to this concept, they see the turn over of the Disney Program interns constantly.

The concept of watching interns come and go, and sometimes in some cases come back. Once one's program is over, it will hit them when they are leaving, by driving out of the state of Florida, or up to their driveways as they pull into home. Maybe not in a car, but on the Magical Express headed to the dreaded International Orlando Airport (we all know it's true, even as guests who went to Walt Disney World, Orlando, or Florida on vacation — that is a different form of Post Disney Depression). Trust me, I have been the one to be tear-y eyed on the Magical Express leaving my first program... the C of Mickey's name got me. I also was plotting possibly jumping off the bus James Bond style to run back to Disney.

I am not the only one who felt this way leaving their program, about mostly (basically) everyone goes through it. Working on the Disney College Program is an experience that effects everybody who does it anyway, any shape or form. It is one of those things that leave an impact on you. So much of an impact, where some of us do come back and do a round two, like yours truly.

What is Disney Post Depression you ask? It's not as serious as it sounds. Like I mentioned before it is something that the full-time cast members make up seeing a bunch of interns go through the various Disney Internships offered. Once you reach home, it hits you hard that you won't be able to wake up and go to the parks whenever you want, also you cannot get into the parks for free anymore. Goodbye cast member discounts, because your no longer a cast member anymore. You cannot hug Mickey Mouse, and crew anytime you want to, and also you don't get to work in the parks anymore. What really hits you, you do not get to spend time with your Disney O'hana (Hawaiian for family) anymore.

  One of my favorite picture of everyone who I worked with (including 
Scott's girlfriend, who did not work with us) between the months of 
January to June of 2010. Some of us actually, stayed on until August.

The group of friends you arrived with, worked with your whole program. You're awesome roommates, and your fellow cast members. You lose that bond; that bond you had on your program, it won't be the same after seeing each other day after day. No one will tell you to shut up after numerous: "This time at Disney..." stories. This group of people will appreciate them, because they understand. They understand what happened on the program and because they went through it with you. Another thing is you don't have to over explain things to them, because they know the ins and outs of things, and you won't have to filter the story because you maybe giving away the magic of Disney.

I am not missing riding the bus systems they had for us, or the cleaning inspections they had for us (but it was motivation to keep your apartment nice and clean). I am missing the idea of riding Space Mountain endlessly on rainy days when the wait times went down from their 125 minutes or 150 minutes to five minutes where I would just hop on with random friends I have made from this adventure of continuously riding the ride.  One thing I know we all miss is the fireworks every night. Always a show, weather appropriate, depending on rain storms in Orlando.

 Views like this everyday I would see when I was working in Epcot in 2010.

If it where a rainy night where the firework shows had to be canceled due to bad storms. If a group of friends and I would be in Epcot, we would go watch the Impressions de France movie in the France Pavilion in the World Showcase, then after the movie we would hang out in the big shop that the movie exits out to.  Our friends who where working in the shop and/or the movie at the time would hang out with us, until the storm has lightened up. I have been involved in a few soccer/football circles with friends, and random guests who we joined in with. If we where not doing that we would be just talking about random stuff and just hanging out like one would if they where at home with friends.

Rainy Epcot
Then after the storms would clam down, we would all leave (if our friends who where working at the time were done with their shifts) and walk back to the Disney Internship buses that would take us back to housing. We would walk by our other friends who would be leaving as well, and we would catch up with them on our way out. If not, I would eventually meet up with the group of people I worked with in 2010. Watching them unclog all the drains so the puddles (mini lakes) could be drained out. I remember once after a really bad storm, I saw a branches that where blown from the trees. As I was walking back to the housing buses, I was happy to see all my co-workers and friends where alright, and not hurt.

Lately or every now and then I will have strange little memories about the smallest things at Walt Disney World. Things that guests won't notice because they are to busy with going on and about on their vacations. As in a certain trashcan where I know you have to shut the door more than once after taking out the trash (same one maybe there from eight years ago?), or a certain tree, and bushy area where my friend had to shoo a duck family into so they would not be trampled by guests.

I have not done the Disney College Program in six years, so things have obviously changed. Because six years ago I used to work at Downtown Disney, that is now Disney Springs. From videos, and pictures of Disney Springs it is a total different place than what Downtown Disney was in 2012. They have this sky-way thing over the road that can take you into Disney Springs itself from a parking ramp. Yes, a parking ramp... six years ago that used to be a parking lot.

There are also changes that have been made in parks to, not only changes but the fact they added on to Animal Kingdom with Pandora – The World of Avatar a new part of the park, that was this last year (2017). Since I worked in Epcot eight years ago they changed a ride, in Norway they had the old Maelstrom ride, that they changed into Frozen Ever After where riders can join the characters of Frozen on a boat ride adventure. Now they have closed down Ellen's Energy Adventure in the Universe of Energy Pavilion and it will be replaced by some kind of Guardians of the Galaxy ride/show/attraction
– no matter what it will be, it will be something new. Disney Hollywood Studios is also getting a new Toy Story Land (open now, new as this year (2018)), looks promising! "Adventures for Kids 'n' Grown-Ups Alike," the website says, also the website itself is fun too. 

When I did both Disney College Programs in 2010 and in 2012 it was exactly ten years since I have been there myself. I was there during the Walt Disney World's Millennium Celebration, with Epcot having a parade, and Illuminations of Earth getting a revamp, of what it is today. The ride Toy Story Mania was a new thing in either the Magic Kingdom or Hollywood Studios (or was it still MGM at the time), and Animal Kingdom was a very new park. I remember around the World Showcase in Epcot they had these moving statues that would pose with you when you took a photo with them.

 Disney's Animal Kingdom Park is turned 20 this year on Earth Day!
*Photo Credit: Walt Disney Company*

Why are you bring up Disney World's future, present, and past? I think all of you are asking. The point is what used to be my Post Disney Depression is now memories. Memories that go with the memories before I was a cast member, to when I was. For the future, to help to cure the Post Disney Depression a little bit would be going back and paying a visit. I will be visiting as soon as I am able to. Just traveling and going on vacation right now as a young adult that just finished her college degree, it's a little bit tight at the moment. But, Disney I will see you again one day.

As, you can see life happens to you. Your Post Disney Depression blues can be overcome. If you just finished your Disney internship it may not seem likely, but one day you will feel better. Those words may not seem like they are helping now, but you will get over it. It may take longer for others, and maybe another program or two for people to realize if they do actually want to work for the Disney Company or not – that is truly up to you as an individual. If that is your plan to work for the Disney Company, good luck!

** I would also like to thank my friends for letting me use their photos I found on their social medias. Also is a picture from the Disney Company as well to in here too (it is not mine; copyright belongs to Disney). I took some of these from myself too. **

Friday, June 29, 2018

Why I Run & What Keeps Me Going

I used to be on the cross country team in high school. I used to run when I was in high school, if I where on the cross country or track team I would run. I would run every now and then during the off season. Just going on a run or jog in the off season, just helped cleared my mind. Get the stress from school, and other things in life off my chest for a bit. Put me in a better and happier mood. Made me feel good about myself.

I ended up stopping running when I got into college. In college it was a new ball game for me trying to figure out what I wanted to do career wise. Which lead me to doing two internships at Walt Disney World, you know the story, then I came back from Disney with the thought in my mind, that I will be a journalist.

I did manage to squeeze in a gap year after my 2012 Disney College Program, within that gap year I took some time to look within myself. Look into myself to figure out what I wanted to study, and where I want to go from there. I managed to pick up running a bit again. It felt great to get rid of some of that pent up angst that was bogging me down at the time. Get that negativity out of my head, while I was taking on the hills in my town that gave me trouble when I was in cross country. Felt great to kick those hills butts when I did. Felt like I was on top of the world, for a little bit. But it was great to feel that feeling of accomplishment after a run again.

Went back to school for journalism. Took a break from running again, obviously was more focused on earning the degree. With that focus lead to stress, then led me to picking up running again during Summer 2016, that worked out nicely; until I ended up injuring my knee badly, where I was out for the summer. I was bummed out. Then Summer 2016 turned into the summer of rehabbing my knee.

Fast forward to the Summer of 2017 pick up running again. There was just a lot I needed to burn off in general. Had to take on running again, because the wheels in my head where giving me negative vibes and making me generally unhappy. I wanted to be happy and peppy Bailey, that everyone knows and love. Also, the fact I could not change the world with one wave of a wand, I can only change myself, and then hopefully the rest of the world will follow suit. I got some runs in here and there, and I started walking to work (saving money, plus it was to beautiful out not too). Moving more, the better I felt about myself and the world around me. When life throws you lemons, and other stuff your way; you make lemonade, and do worthwhile things with the other things thrown at you.

This summer right off the bat when I had a free day after finishing up earning my degree, and getting a day off from the bar I work at — I went on my first run of the summer. I loved it, and crushed it. Never felt that amazing about a run in awhile. I managed to sneak in more runs too. I have been running more often than I used to. I am proud of it, one goal I set and I am already reaching it. I am slowly setting random short-term goals for running. Something that I personally feel proud of. I am debating on actually adding in long-term goals for running at the moment, it's a more wait and see.

There are many reasons why people run or workout — to get that summer body, to feel good about themselves, to become healthier, and other many reasons. I am one of those who run because I want to feel healthier, distress, feel good about myself (mentally, and I want to live a long life), and gain some strength. Another main reason, is to enjoy the fresh air and get outside when I feel like I have been cramped up in a building all day long due to work. If I am not running, I am either hiking, or eating healthier. Mainly getting a balanced life style going.

Getting up every morning or every other morning and thinking "I am going a run today before breakfast" is never an easy thing. Due to weather (big part of it): if it is raining and lightening that day, I am not running in that, nor a blizzard, or the freezing cold (zero degrees is my cut off point), or if it's too hot out (get around 95 degrees, that's killer). It's really frustrating when you are in a mood for a run, and the weather has other plans. That happened earlier this week on Tuesday, and I felt like a bee that is held captive in a cup — bouncing off the walls of the cup before you let me out; in other words cabin fever.

Sometimes the whole getting up and going on a run thing is not just a weather thing, it's the mental part of it. Mind over matter. You are your own hero or your own villain. It's understandable if you have a bad cold or the flu, then obviously don't run. Take care of yourself to feel better. But it's not always a cold or the flu, it's your own thoughts. Mentally your head got the better of you, and you want to be lazy. That happened to me yesterday, thankfully to Superman himself, Henry Cavill's Instagram post to tell people to get out of their heads, and move. Does not matter if is a run, jog, or a walk just MOVE! That post got me going.

The three ladies who keep me going. If you want to follow them on
Instagrams (their fitness ones), just click their names. 
Right to left = Camille, Emily, and Isabelle.

Cavill is not the only one who gets me going when it comes to Instagram. I have other people who motivate me to get up out of bed, and sneak a pre-breakfast workout in — anyone from family members, friends, and others who motivate and inspire me. My cousin Emily, I see posts about her workouts, and what she eats as well; along with my other friend Camille who does the same thing.

 It was an interesting experience watching Camille post about her experience training for her first marathon (and completing her first marathon)! Also, my cousins Emily and Charlie, and my friend Camille are doing this plank challenge. It originally started with just between Camille and Charlie; but they opened up the doors for others to try. It's where you see how long you can push yourself to do a plank (up to how many minutes for one plank that one wants to do). Emily joined in, and I am now starting. I am working my way to do a plank for a minute, I am up to only thirty seconds. Another goal setting challenge I want to accomplish. It's the cross country runner in me to push myself to new goals and better goals in the future.

Screenshot of Camille doing the plank challenge, link to video is here.

I am also following others who like to run and workout also on Instagram. I don't know them personally, but they motivate me, and somewhat coach me in their own little ways. One major one I can think of right now would be BBC Radio 1's DJ Adele Roberts, she posts about training for running marathons (also sometimes another BBC Radio 1 DJ is mentioned too: Scott Mills) — both of them usually training for the annual London Marathon.

But this was not the only thing that caught my eye this year, another BBC Radio 1 DJ did something incredible too; Greg James did the Gregathlon: Pedal to the Peaks. Where James raised money for mental illness awareness in the United Kingdom back in February and March of this year. It was just fascinating to see James push himself to do the challenge in the conditions he did them in. When he had to call off the challenge in the middle of it due to blizzard and winter storm issues. He managed to jump back on the bike, and grab his climbing gear and finish the challenge a few weeks later; also, the stories from BBC Radio 1 listeners motivated him to keep on going on with the challenge. It was inspiring as James raised money for mental illness and help get the conversation going about it in the United Kingdom. 

BBC Radio 1's Greg James on his Pedal to the Peaks Challenge

Not all the people who motivate and inspire me on Instagram just run or workout, they also cook healthy meals. Isabelle Cornish (an actress from Australia, you may have seen her in Marvel's Inhumans) does make her food from natural ingredients, also runs, does yoga, and many other things. She gives followers a little insight to her positive mind and what makes her happy — with also allowing her followers to do the same. Cornish shares why it's good to get out of your head, and to see the world as a happier place; spreading the word of the world needs to be a more peaceful place.

Cornish is not the only one who I follow who also makes their own healthy food. My cousin Emily and my friend Camille both make their own healthy meals too. I pick out every now and then which recipes I want to tryout one day. Cornish managed to make these zucchini burgers/patties that look like an interesting invention that I would like to try one day (I truly think they look yummy!). I remember coming across somethings that Camille has made that I would like to try to cook one day. I remember something that has to do with sweet potato noodles, for some kind of spaghetti dish. In the morning coming across Emily's breakfast is always a joy, because it's my dream breakfast to have on a lazy day. Also, Emily is pretty good at making her own homemade pizzas! Food wise, there is always something to look forward to when following these three ladies on Instagram.

 Top left corner is the zucchini burgers/patties I mentioned above. 
Also, featured is other meals made by the three ladies mentioned
as well.

It's not only just food, working out, that are motivation on various Instagrams, it's the various quotes that we used to motivate each other. Posting images with motivational and inspiring quotes on them to get ourselves and our followers out and going. This is not just the few people I mention on here, it's everyone I follow. Everyone wants to build up and encourage each other on Instagram. I have never experience anything negative on Instagram. I guess I am lucky with who I pick to follow. So, in my advice follow those who encourage themselves and others while doing so. Who needs negativity in your life when you live in a world that is mostly positive and encouraging. Changing the world one encouraging and inspiring quote at a time. 

I am always looking for new ways to get moving and to stay healthy. We only have one life and one body that we live in. Why not take care of it. That's how I look at life. We should take care for ourselves by eating healthy, also moving around where we feel happier and healthier. There are days where I do not feel motivated to do go on a run or a hike, I have a feeling you feel the same. There are days that you just feel down and your mind has mentally gotten the better of you. But hopefully the negativity can be changed into positivity. That is where your support group will come into play and motivate you to get up and going. It could be a text, a comment that was made in passing, a tweet, or a post on Instagram that can get you up and going; I know that is what gets me up and going.

I feel like Greg James summed it up perfectly when he got going on his second leg of the Gregathlon with this quote: 
“It was the perfect metaphor for the whole week because we were going: ‘Don’t ever feel frightened to say that you’re feeling like shit because there will be somebody you know that has gone through it.’” ~ Greg James, BBC Radio 1 DJ
If anything, there is someone always there to reach out to motivate, inspire, and also help you. You are not alone in this adventure called life. If you feel like you are struggling with needing help to be motivated or inspired please reach out to someone close to you, or me. I am glad to help. Going on a run is like a cheep way of therapy for me, when other things like writing it out, or talking it out does not work out. It helps me clear my head, and become renewed and positive again. No one is struggling alone. We all need to reach out and help each other, and hopefully get a conversation about mental health started as well: internationally, not just nationally.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Get Inspired Series: Women Who Inspire Me

"Here's to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them." I can easily relate to this quote because I was raised by a strong woman, and I was raised with stories about strong female characters who stand their own ground.  I get inspired by the smallest things, it could be a motivational or inspirational quote, or just what was said as a line in a television show.

With International Women's Day being celebrated in March I thought it would be fitting to do a little ode to the women who have inspired me over the past few years. Anything from women who I known from Disney to any actress you can find on the screen. I have fallen love with their characters as well, but the real women behind them are women who stay true to themselves. I am still inspired by the women who are in my family, and my friends. If I made a list off all the women who inspire me throughout my life, I would be constantly writing, and no one would see the finished product. I hold all of you lovely women in my heart, dearly.

But what makes all these women interesting to me is the stories they tell, or the way they motivate other women. It can be anything from a small Instagram post with a quote in it, or the fact that they take to Instagram to share how to have a healthier lifestyle (working out and eating right). But, may just having a physically healthy lifestyle as well, but how to keep your mental well being healthy as well.

Some of these women are older, around my age, or younger than I am. There are no rules about age limit to someone to look up to. Everyone has a right to pick their own role models. Role models who help you through a rough time in your life, or give you inspiration when your feeling down about yourself. Possibly people who share your values, and also gives you motivation for when you are headed into doing something hard, like an exam, or another next step in your life. They are there for you to push you on and to help to keep you going. Your role models are there to keep you going through your good, bad, and your ugly. They are one of the many guides that help you towards the light at the end of the tunnel you are in.

  List of the Women who Inspire Me: & Why the inspire me 

Sophie Turner: Have a free spirit, be who you are no matter what others think. From what I gather reading her interviews, or coming across her on social media: is be yourself. You have a brightness to the world that only you can bring. Don't be afraid to show the world who you are. Only you have your sense of humor, and your personality. What I learned from Sophie is be okay with who you are, and no one will judge you for it. They will like you more for you being you. Take the piss out of yourself too.

Also to stand up for what you believe in, also to be brave. I may have also gotten that from her character on "Game of Thrones", Sansa Stark, but I think Sophie is a brave young woman too. Maybe it's just not Sansa, it's Sophie. As well: a thing I learned from Sophie is work hard, go with the things that scare you, and try new things. But one lesson I did learn from her, would be do not lose sight of who you are. Embrace yourself.

Rose Lelise: One thing I learned from this actress would be, get engrossed into stories. Never be ashamed for liking a good story. That story is a good adventure to travel down, it is also okay to geek out over the story as well. I feel like I personally lot sight of that. I used love reading and being engrossed into Harry Potter books. Always an adventure with Harry, Harmonie, and Ron. It just doesn't have to be Harry Potter it can be with Game of Thrones or other series. Take adventure with those characters as well. Also, get re-in-touch with series you enjoyed as a child, even though it was a cartoon then, now it's blockbuster movie series! Once I get a chance to, I think you may find me on my couch diving into that movie series.

I believe we may have the same motto when it comes to stories: make sure there are strong characters, with a strong plot-line. I am learning things from the characters she has played during her career. From what I've seen of the two characters she played so far, they're both strong women. Each of these characters fight for what they believe in, and stand their ground, firmly. It is something I am learning on the go, it's something I think we all need to be during our lives.

Claire (aclaireytale): Claire, oh where to begin? Just want to first say thank you for being a light during a dark tunnel in my life after my second program in 2012. Just motivating me to get off my 'felling sorry for myself horse' and to get a job. Not sure how you did it with your blog about your first program experience. Even though we did not know each other well at the time, you helped me out a lot. I don't think I can ever be thankful enough for you.

You surprised me with your news that you where going back to do another year stint at Walt Disney World in 2017-2018. It was such awesome news that you where headed back to work in your one of your favorite places in the world again. It was nice for me to see that you where vlogging your way through your program. It was nice to see that you where back working at Epcot again, and lived in my old apartment complex (there is nothing like Vista Way). You made me miss Disney World with your vlogging, but it is interesting to see how much has changed through your videos. With these videos you are motivating me to save up for my first individual Disney vacation so I can go out and check things out as a guest (in a first time in awhile) to see what is like after working as a Disney Cast Member.

I enjoy watching your vlog every week. I do not know what to expect! Always something fun around the corner. Even though you have finished your second program, you still have more memories to share with us on Youtube. But since you have gotten home, you have done leaps and strides for yourself. Within around being home for two to three months, you have landed your dream full-time job, and you and Simon have landed your dream house. Quite the accomplishments! I am so proud of you, and how you stay so positive, and you have that go getter attitude! You inspire me to do the same. Not have the negative thoughts in life, and being down on yourself. You are always encouraging your audiences to have a positive attitude because life is short, and look on the bight side of life and keep on going, and encouraging each other. You are one of the most inspiring people I have known from Disney, and I love you dearly for that! Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH for what you have done for me, words cannot even describe (more than you ever know)!

Oona Chaplin: She has taught me to dance around while hoovering (I mean vacuuming for American audiences). Not personally, she is an actress who played a small part on Game of Thrones, if anyone remembers her... (If you are big on Game of Thrones, you will remember her). Oona is a free spirited woman, who works hard, and who always have that drive to be working on something. If she is not working she is spending her free time with friends, and dancing around to music on her days off.

Oona is like me, she caught the travel bug. I always enjoy reading her interviews or listening to her in interviews talking about places she wants to go, or have been. She's very cultured, and it's interesting to hear her stories. One thing I am taking away from her, is do not be afraid to take on the world and travel to new places, and learn about the culture there. Dive into the culture. 

Emilia Clarke: "Be the dragon", work hard, but remember to have fun. Don't take life to seriously. In interviews she seems always to be a light of sunshine. She is an amazing comedian in her own right. Not sure how, but if I am having a bad day and I do come across a video on YouTube of Emilia being funny and silly it brightens up my day! She plays serious roles in movies and Game of Thrones, but after that's done she is back to being her bubbly self.

Another thing Emilia has taught me is always be reading a book of some kind. She grew up in a family of big readers, and it made her into a great storyteller that she is. Just like her friend Rose Leslie (who is also on the list) be engrossed in the stories you are reading or watching. Also, you can learn things about your friends and family about the books they read. Here is that great quote by Emilia, herself:
"My father always says, ‘Never trust anyone who has a TV bigger than their bookshelf.’ So I make sure I read. Back at home, I just put up a massive bookcase and asked everyone I know and love to help me fill it with their favorite books. It’s been quite nice because I’ve learned a lot about my friends and family from what they’ve been giving me. A book says a lot about a person."
From a recent interview I have read that profiled Emilia for her upcoming Star Wars film (the new Hon Solo one) it showed her intellectual side. She always enjoys learning, and discussing big issues with people. She was brought up that way in her family. Emilia teaches me that you are always learning, growing, and do not shy away from your intellectual and nerdy side. Open up and be welcome to learning. There is always something out there in the world to learn about.  

Darci (Freedom of Excess): The girl who introduced me to the world of Sports Journalism! She is a big Olympic lover like I am, so that made bonding with Darci easy, we bonded over our love for United States and Soviet Russia 1980 hockey (Miracle on Ice, and Olympic hockey), hockey in general, and obviously Olympics sports (all kinds of them). We also help each other through rough patches we both ran into in life.

Darci got me into starting this blog! I've been reading her's for ages. It's full of different things, adventures (traveling, and just normal adventures) she has been on. A cute, adorable, and funny story about that time she and her parents rafted the Colorado River, ending in the ER (everyone was alright, just scratches and bruises). She also started a series (was it a series? I don't remember)— either way it was something that really stuck with me. It was something along the lines of Darci introducing the world to what she was really proud of herself that week, and what made her stronger as a person. It was interesting watching her grow throughout the time period she did that. Also, I enjoyed reading her Women Crush(ing It) Wednesdays series. Darci, can those make a comeback?! I enjoyed reading about the women who you admire and inspire you.

Darci, there is something special about you. You know how to tell stories very well. It is always a delight to read your blog posts about your adventures you have been on. About the Paralympics you have worked when you where working with Team USA (Rio and PyeongChang), the late hours you had during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. Your time being a volunteering for the 2012 London Summer Olympics Opening Ceremony. Even though you don't work for Team USA anymore, good luck on your job hunt, and your next adventure in the sports world. I am also looking for something too, so it's so wired to be on the same square ground as you. One of us was in school, while the other was working somewhere. Now, we are both on the job hunt!

Isabelle Cornish: She is an Australian actress, she was in ABC's Marvel's "Inhumans", not that well known around these parts. I came across her Instagram one day, and that opened a new light to me. She is an runner (just like me), she loves healthy eating, and mindfulness. Not only is Isabelle a actress, runner, she is also a blogger too. She blogs about various things.

Isabelle is one of the many people I follow on Instagram who posts about their workouts, what they are eating healthy, and what they are doing to stay healthy (my cousin, and my other cousin's girlfriend are doing the same). While she is posting that stuff, she is encouraging others, to get going on their healthy lifestyle, and also to feel free. She goes through good and bad days like we do. Some of Isabelle's Instagram posts helped me through some of my crappy days, and other times some posts just spoke to me.

Emmi Kainulainen: To bring out my inner creativity, and work hard. To also be creative throughout art. I have not started up painting like I said I would. But seeing Emmi's artwork on display on her Instagram account, is just beautiful. I would consider her an abstract artist. I am at the moment not putting her into a movement, because I am not sure what the current art movements are... but I will describe her art as pink, bright, and airy. Emmi is one of those artists who will use color with her mood. She does not just paint, she also designs her own cloths, and does some interior designing too.

I follow Emmi's individual Instagram, as long as her one she made for her artwork only, and her one for her new businesses: FEDITED. She is also the founder of CHAÃŽNE which is a clothing line she opened up. It's inspiring to see her own her own business, and then open up a new one with one of her friends. Just seeing posts about working hard, and paving your own way that she posts is inspiring in it's own right. I have a lot of respect for her not only own a business, but running two at the same time. It motivates me to work hard, no matter what, work hard. Also, if you love doing what you do, you do not feel like you work at all. I am in awe of Emmi's lets go out and get it attitude. Women who run their own business or help own a business inspire me, Emmi and my mom are the two women who I admire the most who are in this category.

These are some of the many women who inspire me. Like I mentioned before if I could do a blog post dealing with everyone of you, it would never be done. I would be constantly writing it. I have so many strong, wonderful, beautiful, brave, and smart women in my life, I love you all dearly. I truly do not know what the world would be like without you all. We all have beautiful stories to share, tell the world who we are, we are not done yet, our adventures are just beginning.

** Pictures taken from fansites or Instagram accounts **

Sunday, May 20, 2018

My Last Semseter at Madison College

In the last post I did, I talked about my college experience as a whole. I did not focus on what I really did on my last semester at Madison College. I do not know why, but I want to fill you in on my last semester at Madison College.

When thinking about my past semesters I had during my career as a student at Madison College, they always have some stress built into them. Especially, during the beginning of the semester getting settled into your classes, then midterms, then the world of finals, final projects, and final paper hits. There is always something going on when I am jugging between four/five classes, with the newspaper, and my job at the bar. Normal, when one juggles things in their life.

But this last semester it did not seem that stressful. Yes, there where times of stress. But it did not feel like I was overwhelmed by it, like I normally be. I strangely without thinking about it handling it just well. I had that normal stress with beginning of the semester, then midterms, with finals, the school paper, plus working the bar job. It was all a breeze to me. I mean, I highly enjoyed my classes this semester. I loved this semester, I think it is one of my favorite semesters of my college experience.

I did apply to transfer colleges because I was on the transfer program also at Madison College. I applied to University of Wisconsin - Madison (for Journalism). I have not heard back from them, not sure about what is going on there personally. I also applied to University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (for Journalism). I did not get in. I am not depressed that I have not heard back from Madison yet, nor getting into the Twin Cities. This is a message for me to take a break from school, and try again if I am thinking about going back earning another degree. The door to education is always open.

Working at the paper and on the broadcasting team for the Clarion was quite fun. It was busy when I had both meetings back to back, but it was highly worth it. I got to work with my sports section fully, because the section became a multimedia route. It is something I highly encouraged as an editor. I took this from one of my professors, he said just doing print would not cut it anymore as a journalist. One needs to be doing video, radio, broadcasting, being a photographer, print, and also social media stuff. I used to not be a big fan of this. But now thinking about this, and learning about myself that I am pretty good at editing video (a few years ago, I was not that confident), this is the way to go. Also, after taking my On Air Broadcasting class, I like the radio and video side of things too. It's quite fun!

Also, with the paper I got to go to many conferences this year. We did a very good job when it came to cleaning up awards at the Wisconsin Newspaper Association conference. We managed to win one for our last issue of the 2016-17 school year, where I managed to score the headline article about our new Student Life offices. So, it was an honor to see that issue get rewarded with an award.


The other two conferences I went to where pretty special in their own right. I got invited by provost of our college to go to this ESPN Women's in Sports Reporting conference. It was more like a round table that was put on by ESPN Madison. It was interesting to listen to these women's stories in their field. It was truly inspiring for me. They talked about how it was important for them to do what they do, and why it is important to get more air time, and more respect for women in broadcasting, and also women who compete as athletes on the rink, pitch, field, court, and etc. because it's important to bring your grandmothers, mother, aunts, daughters, nieces, and granddaughters to these sporting events. Also, it's more especially important to bring your grandfathers, father, uncles, sons, nephews, and grandsons to women sporting events too, so they can gain respect for women in the sports world, and grow support for women in sports. It was something really inspiring to take away from, considering doing sports stuff for good after all. Let's see where the future takes me...

Left to right: ESPN Madison's Women's in Sports Broadcasting
& UW-Madison's Journalism School's Center for Ethics nametags

The second conference I went to was Journalism Ethics, it was put on by the University of Wisconsin - Madison Journalism School, and also their Center for Journalism Ethics. I was the only one from the Clarion who went to this. Little bummed that no one joined me. I understand why, because it was right in the mist of the end of the semester, and finals coming up. The things that where discussed where how to deal with shifting through news, and finding the fake news, and what to do about it. How to gain your readers back, and how to show the world that you, as the news organization you are in, you are truthful to your readers. What we should do as journalists, in the future of Journalism itself, how should we go on in this world we are in. It was highly interesting, and I am ready to go back to next years, and see what that conference covers.

 Screenshots of the videos I made. You can watch them on the link below.

I managed to do a video series for one of my Journalism classes, it was not intended to turn out to be big as it was. It was supposed to be a profile about either a student, an instructor, or another faculty member of the Madison College community. I had a couple choices in mind, at least four. Three out of the four responded and let me know they where okay with doing a video profile. I couldn't say no. I took it on as my own little mini honors project. I did not sign up to do anything like an honors project, but giving myself one just to make me feel like I had one (even though it didn't count for anything). I am proud of myself for completing this series, and working though different things to get them published. I found stories that I wanted to be told too. So, I am glad I made those videos to introduce to the world the amazing people I work, I mean used to work with with everyday at Madison College.

Speaking of used to working with amazing people at Madison College everyday, I am going to miss those who I worked at the paper with everyday. It's been a week already and I finished my Madison College student, and Sports Editor career, and I am already missing everyone! I know everyone is in the general area, and we can see each other whenever we want, but when it hits Fall. That will be a different story, everyone will be off doing their own little thing.

Our Opinion Editor planned a bonfire at her house. It was a fun night of sharing laughs and memories with each other. Learning how to fly the Clarion Broadcasting Video Production Manager's drone, and walking down to the lake. Cooking dinner of various foods, and enjoying each other's company before graduation, and going our own ways. Like I mentioned before many times, I will never forget this group, and if you need anything you have my contact information: you know where to reach me. We may never have office hours with each other ever again, but there is nothing wrong with meeting up at the Memorial Union Terrace, and watching the sunset eating Babcock ice cream, and having a beer! Good luck on all your future adventures, I am rooting for you all on your next chapters of your lives!

With that being said, that the semester is over, and I am done with school. I have more time to update this blog (whenever I can, it won't be daily). So look for more posts coming your way! I have some exciting stuff planned for you all! I cannot wait to share it with you all!

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Bye Bye College, Hello Real World!

Well, I am officially done with school. It is SO wired to even say that! Ever since, I was five, basically my first day of Kindergarten, I have been in a classroom learning. First it was learning to write letters and numbers, then that turn into writing other words, then sentences, and then papers, and obviously how to read. Reading and writing both come hand in hand. Then it's no surprise I completed my Journalism Certificate, since I stuck with reading and writing in English. I may also took on the French language along the way. Let's just say I need to practice my French, because I am more fluent in English.

But after graduating high school, once I got to college I was not in college for the full time. I did a few semesters of college classes, but decided I need to take a break, and be in the world for a bit to figure out what I really wanted to do. That is alright. If you just graduated high school, and feel like you need a break from school. Take it! You're allowed too. No one is stopping you—you have every right to figure out who you are and who you want to be. It was something I suffered from when first starting in college feeling like I was forced to go to school even though I did not know what I wanted to study at first. A lot of college freshmen and students go through the same thing. Ask people around you how many times they switched their majors in college (if they did).

With having that feeling of not knowing where I wanted to go in life, and what I wanted to study, I felt lost. I managed to come across a poster for Walt Disney World on the Madison College campus. Truly, confused why there is a poster for Walt Disney World on a college campus. Spring Break trip? "Sure! Rollercoasters, spending time with Mickey Mouse, all the Florida sunshine to soak up," I thought to myself. "SIGN ME UP! I AM GOING TO THIS MEETING!"  I then head to the meeting to find out the opposite of little college trip. It was more of "Live. Learn. Earn." internship. Also, what I personally consider a internship of a lifetime (this is the 2010 and 2012 me, not the 2009 me).

So, the 2009 me considers this as an option for one day. I remember sitting around the Magic Kingdom or Epcot in the past (1998, 1999, 2000, or 2002... if dates are right), more I think of it I think it was a trip I took with my family in 2000. So, I was watching a custodial cast member on their trash run, or a food and beverage cast member busing off a table in a seating area for a restaurant outdoor dinning area (the cast member was probably also Disney College Program Intern, just thinking about it.). Just watching them do their job, and thinking: "how does one get a job at Walt Disney World?" I mean, just imagine popping that into a conversation that you work for one of the most famous theme parks and one of the most famous entertainment company in the world? It's nothing but a conversation starter! (Learned this from past experiences.) So, this was part of the decision factor for the summer. I could do an internship at Walt Disney World. This was no April's Fool joke.

So, in Fall of 2009 I applied for my first Disney College Program. Got it! Headed down to Orlando, Florida to work in Epcot (my FAVORITE park!), went in the Spring and Summer of 2010, FELL IN LOVE WITH IT! I believe you all know that story well. Then came home in August 2010. I started missing Walt Disney World like a mad person! It is something that everyone who has completed their Disney College Program, Disney Cultural Representative Program, Disney Professional Internship, Disney International Internship Program, and etc.—one will end up getting Disney Post Distress Disorder (it's a fake disease that full-time cast members make up working with a bunch of Disney interns). It's nothing serious, it's just that after living and working at Walt Disney World anywhere between three months, five months, seven months, up to a year, it is something that you get used to. Also, your Walt Disney World o'hana (family) is a tight-knit group as well. With those two things that you experience every day, plus it is something no one in the outside world understands, you long to go back to have that life again (in short, I will do another blog post to write fully about it).

Like I said above in the last paragraph, I FELL IN LOVE with the Disney College Program, I wanted to go back to work at Walt Disney World, again! I did a semester and a year at Madison College, so I could go back to Disney in the spring and summer of 2012, which I did. In August 2012, I came back from another completed program, and working at Downtown Disney (now Disney Springs). I learned a lot on my second one, very important lessons, I could NEVER had learned in a Madison College classroom (same with the 2010 program, but different life lessons). But after coming back in August of 2012, I ended up taking a gap year (a year and a semester off) to do some soul searching, and to figure out what I wanted to do. So, within that time I motivated myself to really look into myself to see what I wanted to do career wise.

Working for Disney one thing it reinstated in me was that I like stories. I like listening, reading, and watching stories, also sometimes myself I enjoy sharing stories of my own, or making up little stories in my head and throwing them down on paper. When working at Walt Disney World, I always enjoyed listening to stories of my fellow cast members, or my coordinators, trainers, or managers about how they found their way to Disney or just another story about their lives. Also, something that Disney reinstated in me was that everyone, every place, and everything has a story to be told, and maybe (if okayed) to be shared.

Another thing I took in consideration when thinking about a career path was, working with social media. As a kid who grew up in the 90's where I have memories of running around in backyards with my friends, or my cousins, I've got a childhood full of imagination, and outdoor fun. But when I got older around third grade being introduced to computers, along with the internet (the 90's version of the internet, before Wikipedia, YouTube, Facebook, etc.—PLEASE DON'T AGE ME! NOR CALL ME OLD!), also a 90's version of Microsoft Word (I miss that little dancing paper clip (Clippy? Was that his name?)). I grew up in a world where you could run around outside, until mom or dad called for dinner, and a young age of computers and internet. I got both worlds, the outdoor adventures one, and the Information Age, where you can Google just about anything.

But the more I got older, and went through school, the internet and technology kept on changing, and quickly (faster today). By the time I started college, there where fancier Blackbarry smartphones out  in competition with Apple's iPhones. Then one day in 2011, according to 'How I Met Your Mother', it was mentioned in a line in the show how everything suddenly changed, and everyone had their nose in their phone (anyone remember that?). But, I believe that statement was true. Suddenly one day in 2011, everything suddenly shifted over to smartphones. I did not realize this until I got my first iPhone in 2013. BOY! That was an eye opener for me! If you needed something to know, you could Google it, and know who that actor is, in that TV show or movie your watching. Or tweet or Facebook you're opinion and reaction about what happened on the new Game of Thrones episode (don't spoil it for anyone).

With growing up around the newly formed world of social media, with MySpace being new in high school, and then when Facebook opened up to high school students. Then once I was in college Twitter became the new thing (around 2009), then Instagram became the newest thing (2012 or 2013), and then Vine and Snapchat. I was thrown into the world of self-teaching myself how to use these new platforms. So, with the people who are older and younger than me too. With having this new field of way to reach out to the world as a person, a famous person, or a business. That is where social media became handy in the work force, and the real world. I tried to learn what I could form the different social media platforms that came out. I mainly stick with the main ones, because there is no way I am keeping up with every little application that comes out on a daily basis.

So, with my love of telling stories, and working with social media... I thought I would be perfect going to the Communications field. As, was looking through the branches of Communications I did not see much for social media. I looked at Journalism, and saw that this is a way I can share stories. That was the major thing that caught my eye. I went back to school in the Fall of 2013 - Spring of 2015 to get some of my generals out of the way. I have not had a chance to do that hence, yours truly was considering joining the Mickey Mouse Club (and getting it started up again) while working at Walt Disney World, did not consider what credits I still needed to finish. Got to the school bridge, then realize I had to quickly take care of the generals that I ignored.

Thank you to my lovely friend (the hand model)
 helping me during Valentine's Day!

In Fall of 2015 I started my major path of Journalism. Took a good starting class (Introduction to Mass Communications) for my major. If you are going into the Communications field, you need to learn about the whole field and it's laws and ethics before you take anything on.  Turned out that professor turned out to be my advisor once changed my degree into a Journalism Certificate degree, and also my instructor for many other Journalism classes I took.

So, in that introduction class I had to write an article for the Clarion (Madison College's Student Newspaper) for extra credit. I wanted to do well in school, and general. I took that opportunity to write for the paper. The first meeting I went to I wanted to check it out to see what it was like. I also went with the guy I sat next to in the class too. We both are inspiring to become future journalists (I am. Him? Not sure, I think he is more leaning towards broadcasting—I lost touch with him, until this last semester he popped in shared interest working with our online radio station (more on that later)).  At first walking into the newspaper office was daunting, but interesting, it had this excitement to it. I did not sign up for stories at first, I was just there to get a feel out of it. I managed to comeback to another meeting, the advisor of the newspaper talked with me to let me know, that this whole deer in front of the headlights thing is normal. I managed to muster up signing up for my first article, and around that time I was offered the position of Sports Editor. The one before me was overwhelmed with everything going on her life, so I ended up taking the job over for her. I also mentioned during the first meeting I was interested in doing social media stuff for the Clarion.

So, I was on double duty: Sports Editor and Social Media (have been up until my last day). I was helping run the Facebook account, I would post about when our new issues came out, and any other exciting happenings. In the Fall 2015 I helped living up our Twitter account, by posting new issues, and help to highlight articles that we wrote (added on the new banner in Spring of 2016). Then the Summer of 2016 (going into Fall of 2016) I revived our old Instagram account. I saw a sticky note on one of the old computers in our old office, and thought I would joking try the password to see if it worked. Surprisingly, did! Got into it, did not think much of it, until a meeting we had for our first issue of the next school year (2016-17). Logged into it, to post a picture to prove a point of we got our Instagram account active again.

 The screen shots of the social media I helped with. 
With content posted by yours truly.

During my last year (2017-18) at the Clarion we got a new branch of the Clarion called, Clarion Broadcasting. This is where we have a YouTube channel for the Clarion, and staffs' videos that they have made appear and people can watch them (I have made a few videos myself for the channel). The videos are based off of the Madison College community, Madison Community, or Wisconsin. The content varies. We also got ourselves our very own radio station this year called Clarion Radio. You can listen to it here (under 'Listen to Clarion Radio'). They did a radio show for Halloween, it was a bunch of students who came together to voice "Wars of the Worlds" and put on a Madison College twist to this H. G. Wells's original version, and modernized it. My lovely sports section writers came together to put together their own show on Clarion Radio, called WolfPack Recap (they also have a Twitter account too; because I know someone would want me to add that in). It was originally one of them at first, then they added on. They also took on doing play-by-plays for basketball games and softball games (which they ended up with two others who helped them).

From the Clarion Instagram 
Working for the Clarion was one of the most fun, and exciting experience of my life, it's up there with working at Walt Disney World! I got to meet so many different people who where on staff, and also many different wonderful individuals that make up the Madison College community! With working with the Clarion one can go on many conferences around the United States to win awards, also to network with future employers and co-workers, and also learn more about being a journalist. Also, getting to see the staff everyday and just enjoying time with them. I am truly going to miss you all. I know I have said that more than once to you in person.

While working on the newspaper, and learning about the path of journalism (through classes, and also the newspaper) was an interesting experience. Even now, with the way the world is, and how our politics are in America—with the way they view journalists. Right now it is an interesting time to be a journalist (even though I was a student one), and to be in the world of Journalism. We have people deeming news real or fake. The Clarion reports on real news, we inform the public about what is actually happening around them (to a certain extent, hence it being a student newspaper). But, reporting the truth and nothing but the truth, and local events that are of interest of the Madison College community.

 Awards we have won. Top would be Best of the Midwest and
Wisconsin Newspaper Association (Winter 2017).
Bottom would be Best of the Midwest and Wisconsin
Newspaper Association (Winter and Spring 2018).

Like I mentioned in the introduction, it is wired to say I have completed my Journalism Certificate, and to say I am done with being a student (for now). The door is always open, there is always more time to earn more degrees if I see fit. There is nothing wrong with taking a break from education, and living in the real world for a bit. In college or the real world, you learn new things everyday about the world around you, and yourself. You do not need to be stuck in a classroom. One thing the Madison College experience taught me through these years, is that there is always something out there to be learned. One does not need to be on that path of what others set out for them, make your own path, go follow that. You will grow into a much stronger, and better person. The world values you, just for being yourself. Go out there, and find your adventure! I am off discovering my new one too! I know it's scary, but I believe I can do it, and I know you can too!

If you are interested in reading my other articles I wrote 

for the Clarion >> They all can be found here.