Friday, June 29, 2018

Why I Run & What Keeps Me Going

I used to be on the cross country team in high school. I used to run when I was in high school, if I where on the cross country or track team I would run. I would run every now and then during the off season. Just going on a run or jog in the off season, just helped cleared my mind. Get the stress from school, and other things in life off my chest for a bit. Put me in a better and happier mood. Made me feel good about myself.

I ended up stopping running when I got into college. In college it was a new ball game for me trying to figure out what I wanted to do career wise. Which lead me to doing two internships at Walt Disney World, you know the story, then I came back from Disney with the thought in my mind, that I will be a journalist.

I did manage to squeeze in a gap year after my 2012 Disney College Program, within that gap year I took some time to look within myself. Look into myself to figure out what I wanted to study, and where I want to go from there. I managed to pick up running a bit again. It felt great to get rid of some of that pent up angst that was bogging me down at the time. Get that negativity out of my head, while I was taking on the hills in my town that gave me trouble when I was in cross country. Felt great to kick those hills butts when I did. Felt like I was on top of the world, for a little bit. But it was great to feel that feeling of accomplishment after a run again.

Went back to school for journalism. Took a break from running again, obviously was more focused on earning the degree. With that focus lead to stress, then led me to picking up running again during Summer 2016, that worked out nicely; until I ended up injuring my knee badly, where I was out for the summer. I was bummed out. Then Summer 2016 turned into the summer of rehabbing my knee.

Fast forward to the Summer of 2017 pick up running again. There was just a lot I needed to burn off in general. Had to take on running again, because the wheels in my head where giving me negative vibes and making me generally unhappy. I wanted to be happy and peppy Bailey, that everyone knows and love. Also, the fact I could not change the world with one wave of a wand, I can only change myself, and then hopefully the rest of the world will follow suit. I got some runs in here and there, and I started walking to work (saving money, plus it was to beautiful out not too). Moving more, the better I felt about myself and the world around me. When life throws you lemons, and other stuff your way; you make lemonade, and do worthwhile things with the other things thrown at you.

This summer right off the bat when I had a free day after finishing up earning my degree, and getting a day off from the bar I work at — I went on my first run of the summer. I loved it, and crushed it. Never felt that amazing about a run in awhile. I managed to sneak in more runs too. I have been running more often than I used to. I am proud of it, one goal I set and I am already reaching it. I am slowly setting random short-term goals for running. Something that I personally feel proud of. I am debating on actually adding in long-term goals for running at the moment, it's a more wait and see.

There are many reasons why people run or workout — to get that summer body, to feel good about themselves, to become healthier, and other many reasons. I am one of those who run because I want to feel healthier, distress, feel good about myself (mentally, and I want to live a long life), and gain some strength. Another main reason, is to enjoy the fresh air and get outside when I feel like I have been cramped up in a building all day long due to work. If I am not running, I am either hiking, or eating healthier. Mainly getting a balanced life style going.

Getting up every morning or every other morning and thinking "I am going a run today before breakfast" is never an easy thing. Due to weather (big part of it): if it is raining and lightening that day, I am not running in that, nor a blizzard, or the freezing cold (zero degrees is my cut off point), or if it's too hot out (get around 95 degrees, that's killer). It's really frustrating when you are in a mood for a run, and the weather has other plans. That happened earlier this week on Tuesday, and I felt like a bee that is held captive in a cup — bouncing off the walls of the cup before you let me out; in other words cabin fever.

Sometimes the whole getting up and going on a run thing is not just a weather thing, it's the mental part of it. Mind over matter. You are your own hero or your own villain. It's understandable if you have a bad cold or the flu, then obviously don't run. Take care of yourself to feel better. But it's not always a cold or the flu, it's your own thoughts. Mentally your head got the better of you, and you want to be lazy. That happened to me yesterday, thankfully to Superman himself, Henry Cavill's Instagram post to tell people to get out of their heads, and move. Does not matter if is a run, jog, or a walk just MOVE! That post got me going.

The three ladies who keep me going. If you want to follow them on
Instagrams (their fitness ones), just click their names. 
Right to left = Camille, Emily, and Isabelle.

Cavill is not the only one who gets me going when it comes to Instagram. I have other people who motivate me to get up out of bed, and sneak a pre-breakfast workout in — anyone from family members, friends, and others who motivate and inspire me. My cousin Emily, I see posts about her workouts, and what she eats as well; along with my other friend Camille who does the same thing.

 It was an interesting experience watching Camille post about her experience training for her first marathon (and completing her first marathon)! Also, my cousins Emily and Charlie, and my friend Camille are doing this plank challenge. It originally started with just between Camille and Charlie; but they opened up the doors for others to try. It's where you see how long you can push yourself to do a plank (up to how many minutes for one plank that one wants to do). Emily joined in, and I am now starting. I am working my way to do a plank for a minute, I am up to only thirty seconds. Another goal setting challenge I want to accomplish. It's the cross country runner in me to push myself to new goals and better goals in the future.

Screenshot of Camille doing the plank challenge, link to video is here.

I am also following others who like to run and workout also on Instagram. I don't know them personally, but they motivate me, and somewhat coach me in their own little ways. One major one I can think of right now would be BBC Radio 1's DJ Adele Roberts, she posts about training for running marathons (also sometimes another BBC Radio 1 DJ is mentioned too: Scott Mills) — both of them usually training for the annual London Marathon.

But this was not the only thing that caught my eye this year, another BBC Radio 1 DJ did something incredible too; Greg James did the Gregathlon: Pedal to the Peaks. Where James raised money for mental illness awareness in the United Kingdom back in February and March of this year. It was just fascinating to see James push himself to do the challenge in the conditions he did them in. When he had to call off the challenge in the middle of it due to blizzard and winter storm issues. He managed to jump back on the bike, and grab his climbing gear and finish the challenge a few weeks later; also, the stories from BBC Radio 1 listeners motivated him to keep on going on with the challenge. It was inspiring as James raised money for mental illness and help get the conversation going about it in the United Kingdom. 

BBC Radio 1's Greg James on his Pedal to the Peaks Challenge

Not all the people who motivate and inspire me on Instagram just run or workout, they also cook healthy meals. Isabelle Cornish (an actress from Australia, you may have seen her in Marvel's Inhumans) does make her food from natural ingredients, also runs, does yoga, and many other things. She gives followers a little insight to her positive mind and what makes her happy — with also allowing her followers to do the same. Cornish shares why it's good to get out of your head, and to see the world as a happier place; spreading the word of the world needs to be a more peaceful place.

Cornish is not the only one who I follow who also makes their own healthy food. My cousin Emily and my friend Camille both make their own healthy meals too. I pick out every now and then which recipes I want to tryout one day. Cornish managed to make these zucchini burgers/patties that look like an interesting invention that I would like to try one day (I truly think they look yummy!). I remember coming across somethings that Camille has made that I would like to try to cook one day. I remember something that has to do with sweet potato noodles, for some kind of spaghetti dish. In the morning coming across Emily's breakfast is always a joy, because it's my dream breakfast to have on a lazy day. Also, Emily is pretty good at making her own homemade pizzas! Food wise, there is always something to look forward to when following these three ladies on Instagram.

 Top left corner is the zucchini burgers/patties I mentioned above. 
Also, featured is other meals made by the three ladies mentioned
as well.

It's not only just food, working out, that are motivation on various Instagrams, it's the various quotes that we used to motivate each other. Posting images with motivational and inspiring quotes on them to get ourselves and our followers out and going. This is not just the few people I mention on here, it's everyone I follow. Everyone wants to build up and encourage each other on Instagram. I have never experience anything negative on Instagram. I guess I am lucky with who I pick to follow. So, in my advice follow those who encourage themselves and others while doing so. Who needs negativity in your life when you live in a world that is mostly positive and encouraging. Changing the world one encouraging and inspiring quote at a time. 

I am always looking for new ways to get moving and to stay healthy. We only have one life and one body that we live in. Why not take care of it. That's how I look at life. We should take care for ourselves by eating healthy, also moving around where we feel happier and healthier. There are days where I do not feel motivated to do go on a run or a hike, I have a feeling you feel the same. There are days that you just feel down and your mind has mentally gotten the better of you. But hopefully the negativity can be changed into positivity. That is where your support group will come into play and motivate you to get up and going. It could be a text, a comment that was made in passing, a tweet, or a post on Instagram that can get you up and going; I know that is what gets me up and going.

I feel like Greg James summed it up perfectly when he got going on his second leg of the Gregathlon with this quote: 
“It was the perfect metaphor for the whole week because we were going: ‘Don’t ever feel frightened to say that you’re feeling like shit because there will be somebody you know that has gone through it.’” ~ Greg James, BBC Radio 1 DJ
If anything, there is someone always there to reach out to motivate, inspire, and also help you. You are not alone in this adventure called life. If you feel like you are struggling with needing help to be motivated or inspired please reach out to someone close to you, or me. I am glad to help. Going on a run is like a cheep way of therapy for me, when other things like writing it out, or talking it out does not work out. It helps me clear my head, and become renewed and positive again. No one is struggling alone. We all need to reach out and help each other, and hopefully get a conversation about mental health started as well: internationally, not just nationally.

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