Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Wisconsin Badgers Sports Overview - School Year 2014-15

Just kind of want to get this out before the school year starts again.  A look back at this last school year's sport season. It's been an amazing season for the Men's Basketball and Women's Hockey teams this past year. Men's Hockey team it has not. So here is a walk down memory lane...

Badgers Men's Basketball.  It was quite the season this year for these guys! The first number one seed spot in the rankings in the UW-Madison school's history, making the final four again for a second year in a row, beating Kentucky then moving on to the NCAA's March Madness Finals in a long time since 1941 one in the school's history! Just writing this out makes me feel like I am writing out a fictional movie plot to send off to Hollywood to see if I can make a movie out of it. It's surreal to write this all. I am proud of this team, and coach Bo Ryan for all they have done this year. It's honestly one of the most real examples when you think of hard work and dreaming, can we make this into a Disney movie now? But the main point this is what hard work and drive look like. It inspired me, and for sure future generations of Badgers to come. Even though we did not win the NCAA Final against Duke, we won second place. If this was the Olympics we would have gotten the silver medal, so not bad. ;)

We BEAT Kentucky! 

Badgers Men's Hockey. I am right now to start this off with a bright note, the Badgers honored the late Bob Suter on their jerseys with a patch on them dedicated to him. Also I was also glad to catch the majority of the men's home games in person too. But here is the thing, this season was a real dud. As much as I LOVE Badger hockey, this had to be said. This season did not go well for them at all. They finished last in the B1G conference. (I personally do not feel like this whole creating a B1G conference for hockey was a such a good idea, bring WCHA back for the men... -- oh okay, saving this for another day). But, I personally think that maybe an factor. The whole this is a young team excuse does not cut it for me. Alright, I digress. With this season not going well for the men's hockey I feel like they have lost the majority of their fan base, until Boston University and the Minnesota Gophers showed up to town. But again that is old rivals and that is self explanatory. But fans who made it to those games found out, that this season did not go well for these guys. Lost after lost. I have remained by their side as a true fan and haven't left them yet. Not sure how everyone else is feeling about them. But there have been reports about fans leaving their side and also big names from the team have left, but no one have been reporting it in the state of Wisconsin or down here in Madison. Men's hockey, in all honesty why aren't you getting your shit together yet?

A Gopher fan on Twitter complaining about the 
lack of interest down here in Madison.

Badgers Women's Hockey. It was an amazing season for these ladies! I am glad I got to witness the majority of the home games in person for it. These girls played at one hundred and twenty percent! They had fire in their eyes and they had their hearts set on the prize. Main goal was to win an other NCAA Women's Hockey championship, but that did not happen they ended up falling to the Minnesota Gophers in the final four game which lead them to getting third place. Again, if this where the Olympics we would have gotten a bronze medal, so again it's an amazing finish to the season! I am so proud of these girls for what they have accomplished this season, and cannot wait to see what they do in the future. Speaking of the future -- Blayre Turnbull has signed a contract with the CWHL (Canada's Women Hockey League) to be apart of the Calgary Inferno. Good luck to Turnbull and the other girls who have graduated this year with their futures.

 Members of the University of Wisconsin - Madison's
Women's Hockey team kissing the Natty.

Speaking of the graduating seniors on the Badgers Women's Hockey team I also going to say good luck to those who have graduated on the Men's Basketball and Hockey teams in your futures. Also those who have signed into the NBA and also the NHL good luck on your careers there too. I cannot wait to watch you guys excel in these professional sports leagues.

I cannot wait to see what the 2015-16 season have to offer to the Badgers as a whole. I hope the football team have a better ending than it did, maybe another Rosebowl title to add to the books? Badger Basketball, I hope you will get your first NCAA national title in the school's history! I hope this won't be Bo Ryan's last season! We need this man around in our lives. When it comes to Badger Men's Hockey, I hope they can get these kinks out of their system and work their way through them. I hope they can power through this hump and power through and become amazing as they where during the Badger Bob Johnson days, during the 1989-90 season, that powerhouse of a season in 2006-07 and they had fire and passion under their butts in the season of 2013-14. I know that they have that in them, and lets show the world how Wisconsin Hockey is still a powerhouse! For Badger Women's Hockey, I hope they bring home another NCAA championship! Mark Johnson and the Badger ladies have done this four times already. These have been won since Mark Johnson started coaching. So already, they are a powerhouse with one hell of a coach coaching them, you should see his stats as a hockey player as well! Also he is the son of Badger Bob Johnson, so coaching is in his blood!

So to all the Badgers who are competing during the 2015-16 season good luck and I hope you all do well! Bring home the gold! I mean, the Natty! 

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