Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Minnesota Wild: Second Part of 2014 - 2015 Season Rollercoster

Unlike the first part of the season where it was mainly a lot of downs, the second half seemed to be a nice change of pace for the Wild. Giving them a glimpse of happy times a head, even though it may be the upcoming season in October, the start of the 2015-16.

DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBS! The man who saved the Minnesota Wild's butt goaltending wise! Daven Dubynk, our man. No longer the Wild will find themselves in hot water when it comes to goaltending. With injuries, sickness and whatever else could keep goaltenders out of the crease, we finally have three to juggle! A little bit of the weight have been lifted from Darcy Kuemper's and Niklas Bäckström's shoulders.

 Daven Dubynk in between the pipes for the Minnesota Wild

Ryan Suter's adventure to the NHL's All Star Weekend in Cleavland, Ohio. He was the only Minnesota Wild player to be voted into the 2015 All Star Weekend roster.

Suter also found himself picking up a part-time broadcasting
job, while in Cleavland for the All Star Weekend. He was filming some
VISA advertisements. Here is the challenge one he did too.

The players on the Minnesota Wild team, and also every NHL player has it hard when they are traveling all the time and sometimes if these players are easily trade-able do to contracts and other reasons. This gives them rarely time to spend with their families, loved ones and friends during the seasons. Heck, they could be in different cities or different countries from their families. Sometimes the families cannot be able to get up and move right away, due to the fact some of the kids of these hockey stars are school age kids, who can't be exactly get up rooted and move right away, due to school schedules. Jordyn Leopold wrote a letter to the Minnesota Wild coaching staff asking them to see if they can get her father, Jordan Leopold to get traded back on to the Wild, because Lordyn and other members of her family missed him very much and they wanted him to get returned to Minnesota to be with them again. The Wild coaching staff and the general manager read the letter, and got Jordan Leopold back on the Wild team again. This is not just a player only thing, this can also happen to coaches, general managers and other staff that it takes to help a hockey team run successfully.

Jordyn Leopold's letter to the Minnesota Wild's
coaching staff.

Stanley Cup Playoffs

First round, against  the St. Louis Blues

This was a fun series to watch, due to the fact that the St. Louis Blues and the Minnesota Wild are becoming rivals. It's nice that I got to witness the history of this young rivalry come about. There was an interview during the first round of this series with Mikael Granlund talking about how one of the games in the series did not have any penalties at all. I cannot remember what exactly happened, but if you are more carious about this, here is the overview of the series. Even though it's not heated quite yet, it's getting there. So I am interesting in seeing what this comes out to become in the future.

Second round, against the Chicago Blackhawks

With this series being a four game sweep, unlike other past two years it was a fight (in 2013 and 2014). The Minnesota Wild had to do some soul searching this time to pull out motivation from themselves to hopefully hold on and turn this series into a seven game one, instead of the four game series it turned out to be. I felt like people where looking at head coach Mike Yeo to be the one pulling out the motivation from under the Wild's bench. Yeo, isn't the one who can pull the motivation from under the team's feet or set the fire under their butts, it's them, the individual players themselves to pull the motivation out from under themselves or set that fire under their own butts.

I feel like there that was something not connecting with the Minnesota Wild during this series. I really can't detected it, and I do not want to point fingers anyways. I feel like they where not with it. Sorta playing the victim instead of the underdog that can take over and push the king off the top of his hill. I would not go around again pointing fingers and saying, "Oh, we should fire head coach Mike Yeo..." Really? Again, it's not his fault. It was a rough season for players, coaches and everyone involved with the Minnesota Wild. Yeo got dealt a hand of cards, and dealt with it, the only way he could. He used what he had, and stayed claim while doing so. So, I personally hope Coach Yeo doesn't go anywhere for the time being. Yeo has grown on me, and I hope he does to his doubters too. Yeo is one good guy, who knows what he is doing.

This post-season has been a good one, so far: Daven Dubynk won the Masterton Trophy at the NHL Awards. Once we got around to the the NHL Draft, we got Joel Eriksson Ek and Jordan Greenway as new rookies for next year. Another new rookie that will join these two next year is Mike Riley, of the Minnesota Gophers. Another Minnesota Gopher to join the Wild. Keeping the strong Minnesota hockey tradition alive. The Minnesota Wild officially have three goalies, since they have signed Deven Duybnk! Also the Wild have resigned Mikael Granlund, Nate Prosser, Ryan Carter, Christian Folin and Erik Haula, for the up coming season or seasons to come. Also there is no word on if Jordan Leopold is going to be officially signed with the Minnesota Wild for his last few years as a professional NHL hockey player. Maybe we will be hearing this news by the end of the summer and before the next season starts in October? 

Duybnk with the Masterton Trophy at the NHL Awards

The 2014-15 season was one hell of a season. Even though it ended early than everyone would have liked. It would have been cool to see Zach Parise and Ryan Suter hold up Lord Stanley over their heads after the loses of their fathers. Also everyone else who on the team after their rough season as a whole team. But I think this season taught the whole team to grow as a team, and learn how to deal with hell when it's all around you. I have a feeling that the Minnesota Wild can pull themselves through this dark tunnel into the light they hopefully see at the end of the tunnel. I have a feeling the 2015-16 season will be a better one and a special one. Who knows maybe Zach Parise and Ryan Suter will be holding up Lord Stanley over their heads at the end of the season. I believe that Minnesota Wild can be that good and will be that good. Now, they have to prove that to themselves and us. Let's see what happens when the puck drops on the Minnesota Wild's fifteenth season in the NHL...

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