Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Let's Travel Around the World!

I always enjoyed an adventure. No matter if it was in entertainment or traveling, any form it does not matter. Traveling around the world is something I always wanted to do, since I set foot into Epcot World Showcase on a day off during my internship, even before that. Setting foot in Germany during the summer of 2006 on a family vacation. Even before that too, as well. I always wanted to travel, ever since I can remember!

I have plenty of stories from those adventures, which I am saving for another time. But for now, I will just focus on my "Travel Wishlist". 

Travel Wishlist:

~ Russia: To visit St. Petersburg, Moscow and also Sochi. I just love the fact that Russia is mysterious to me. I am unfamiliar with the country's history and would love to learn more about it! There is something about the culture to that also fascinates me.

~ Australia: To see the real Outback, to see a kangaroo and also hold a koala bear! Just to see how blue the water is! Just to see what it's all about. Heard great things about this place.

~ New Zealand: When you visit Australia you have to make your way over to New Zealand! I had some family who went there and they still cannot stop talking about it, so why not check it out on my own? No harm right? 

~ India: My cousin just recently went on a trip to India for a school's project. I seen her pictures she's taken, I would love to experience the rural part of it. Just to be in a village with people who live there and experience another perspective of way of life. Maybe do a little anthropology work there? Also stop by the Taj Mahal while I am there too. Why the hell not, right? That's the spirit! 

~ Africa: I always wanted to go on a safari since I saw the Lion King when I was little and even going on the Kilimanjaro Safari for the first time when I was young at Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom. Also would like to hang out in the Serengeti. I learned about it at school, it's something I would like to experience before I die. Also I would like to hit up Kanya, maybe see the world's best long distance runners in training. These guys has always amazed me. I would also like to make my way to Egypt so I can see the pyramids and the Sphinx.

~ Europe: This will be a novel. I want to experience all Europe as to offer, to London, to Paris, to Rome, Riga, Munich, you name it. I would like to see Stonehenge in person. I traveled to Germany, even lived in Germany, but it is always, always on my to do list when it comes to traveling in Europe, it's a must do stop!

~ Rio: It's looks to beautiful to experience when not being looked at from a Google image search, a television advertisement or a photo in a magazine or a newspaper. Also the fact that the Olympics will be there in 2016, maybe wanting to experience it in person is a good excuse to volunteer right? 

~ Guatemala: Since I wrote a paper dealing with the banana plantations there last year for school. I was invested in what I could do to help these poor people out of these awful work environments. So if I am doing any Peace Core activities, that probably where I am headed too. 

~ Bahamas and Jamaica:  I went to these two locations during middle school on a cruise with my mom, aunt and grandma and I just feel in love with these islands! I learned about growing bananas in Jamaica, and just take me back.

~ Canada: Oh, Canada, I do want to visit you and your wonders. Please to take me to Vancouver, then adventure into Ottawa with me and every city we end up  in. Yes, I am looking at driving to west to east coast of Canada in a car. I am going to experience Canada and, I am doing it that way. There is no way in stopping me!

~ United States of America: Saving this one for last, well because I don't need a passport for any of it. I just can jump in the car and hit up all the forty-eight land-locked states. Visiting cities, like Boston, Washington DC, New York City, LA, Los Vegas, and lots, lots more even small towns included (Lake Placid, Iron Range in Minnesota.) Hoping to find my self traveling to Hawaii, so I can see the wonder of those five islands and say I was on land that was made from ash from a volcano. Hopefully find myself in Alaska experiencing the Northern Lights and twenty-four hours of sunlight.

"Once you have traveled, the voyage never ends… The mind can never break off from the journey.” – Pat Conroy

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