Thursday, June 4, 2015

Healthy Living

We all want to live a long life don't we? Sometimes it's difficult though. Some of us are college students are young college graduates who are fresh in the new world. We have busy lives of work and school stuff going on, and sometimes all you get to eat is that quick affordable banana that is a quick grab and go food.

We are a young and hungry group of people, who are living on small budgets due to working jobs that get you just started into the working field or college students who are looking for a job to work or just working a job and balancing their school work at the same time. We are one busy generation with stress on our mind and sometimes we do not have an outlet to let it out. Fear no more, I got some advice that can help your relieve your stress and make you live healthier and then you will be better off in the long run.

  • Work a job you like: This one is simple. Do not get a job just for the fact they are paying you in money, which you can use to buy food, pay your rent, beer money, pay for gas for your car, pay your bills for water, heat and etc. Work a job because you love it. Simple as that, it's something you been dreaming about doing forever or you just thought this place would be a cool place to work. Take the extra time to read through the job descriptions instead of applying for jobs at random. 
  • Take classes you would enjoy: This one goes out to all you college students out there. I am talking about just the extra curricular, not the classes you have to take to complete your degree to graduate. Take those. Just do research on each the extra and non-extra curricular classes you are going to take. Make sure you find a professor that fits your learning needs, do not take a class because your friend is in that one. Also make sure that class fits your schedule so you can go to every class and do well in it.
  • Take time for yourself: This is a hard one for all of us to learn. I am still learning this. Take sometime out just for you, yourself and be one with yourself. Get to know you. Relax from your busy schedule. Make time on the weekend to do something with just yourself. Make Sunday night your spa night. Look after yourself.
  • Eat healthy and within budget: Ever looked at I think you should take some time out after you read this and do. There are some good recipes on there for being on a budget. Also healthy recipes where one can cook on their own. I suggestion make the bigger portion so you can have leftovers through out the week. Also the fruits and vegetables are cheep to buy at the store. If you own a house of your own, you can grow them in your backyard during the summer.
  • Workout the stress: Go on a run or a walk or just to the gym. Just anything physical that can get your heart pumping and get the blood flowing through your body. Working out can make one live longer and help one reduces the chances of getting cancer or other diseases. Also releases all that stress you have built up over the day and the week. You can work out on your own or with a friend. 
  • Write out the stress:  Have you ever been so stressed out and you cannot tell anyone about it? I suggest writing it down into a word document or into a journal. It's a rant that you just want to keep between yourself and you. You don not want to hold these feelings in any longer and, you just need to get them out. This is just simple, write about it. Your the only one who will see it anyways. So let go, and just write down all your feelings. It works, it truly works. I am not big on it, but I did it once and it helped me out a lot.
  • Get a good night's sleep:  They say that eight to ten hours a sleep is good for you. I like sleep and feeling rested, I am not good when it comes to being not so well rested, I get cranky and quiet when I am tired. I also drink a lot of coffee too. Which is also not good for you. A good nights sleep will help one with dealing with projects they got during the day. I know that some of you are like college students like me who have to work and study at the same time, and it feels like you will never get a chance to sleep at all. We all know that feeling and have experienced it. But do get some shut eye on the weekend, hopefully you guys do have a Monday thru Friday job that allows you to sleep in on Saturday and Sunday. Getting that extra shut eye time will add up to hopefully a successful week grind.
  • Spend time with friends and family:  Being with your support group to just hangout or just to be with close friends for a "bitching night" to talk about stuff that bugs you all. This is where you can have time to have a dinner party with people in life, go out and eat with them. Take a group to see your favorite sport team play. Also going back home to see the family is one of my favorite time of the years. Catching up with people you rarely see. It's nice knowing you have a family that cares about you in your life.  You're on this planet for a certain amount on time, so spend it wisely with the people in your life. Once said by George Eliot, "What greater thing is there for human souls than to feel that they are joined for life – to be with each other in silent unspeakable memories."
One of my hikes I took to Picnic Point here on the UW-Madison campus

Life is not meant to be lived with stress. Life is meant to be enjoyed. We are here for a short while, so why not make the most out of it, right?

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