Saturday, April 16, 2016

Enough Talking, More Doing

I have been saying: "I need to start running again.", "I want to start to paint.", "I want to play hockey, relearn how to skate first.", and "I want to..." It's all I need and I want lately been coming out my mouth and zero action.

Small issue here, the costs. I got the running shoes, I just need more workout cloths, skates, pucks, hockey sticks, and the list goes on. I am slowly earning to buy these things on the list. Also time is a factor, being in school and the semester is coming to a close and finals are coming up... ENOUGH WITH THE EXCUSES! That is what has been holding me up. I should not let them hold me up anymore.

I need to start running again. This is for me, this is me wanting to feel healthy and happy about myself. I used to run cross country in high school. I loved it. An outlet just to get all the aggression I had in me and let it out. After the run, the best feeling in the world. I felt a lot happier, I felt good about myself, and I felt like I could take on whatever was going on the next day. Running long distance also taught me to stick with something even though you are sore or tired and you just want to quit, don't. One of the things that made me tougher and who I am. I want to get in touch with that again, I briefly did. That was a wonderful feeling, I stopped doing it sadly. I just need to rekindle the flame, I said I would start again when I had a place of my own, a job, and in school, well I got all of those. So it is time to get off my ass and get movin'!

 It feels good to be with your oneself when your are with nature

If any of you have not been able to tell, I love hockey! So it feels wired being the only hockey fan who does not own any hockey skates, hockey sticks, or pucks. None of the above. If I ever am involved in a game I am borrowing someone's equipment. I am not using my own. I have played floor and street hockey and I liked that, but I am ready to now take it on the ice! I need to save up some more of my pennies and one day, I will have all the equipment and call it my own. So hopefully I get to run into some of you out on the pond next winter. I am not only looking just to playing just hockey. I am looking forward to play other sports again as well like: basketball, soccer, ultimate frisbee, volleyball, and softball. Maybe being on a tennis court and hitting around the ball back and forth.  Just generally being more active and healthy than I have been lately.

Imagine these as CCM or Beuar skates and a stick

I want to start painting or doing some artwork of some kind. I have been inspired by a Finnish model, Emmi Kainulainen. I found her by finding out she is dating Mikael Granlund of the Minnesota Wild. So I googled her to see who she was. It surprised me to find out she has been painting abstract art, doing interior design, designing her own clothing line, running her own business, and working for a fashion magazine back in Finland as an editor. To top it all off, she is a student at the University Minnesota - Twin Cities. She also went into school in Finland too, she is working on her graduate or masters. I have been inspired by her because she is doing all that and she posts inspirational sayings on her Instagram account. She is one talented woman, who just turned 25 this year. Inspiring and amazing all on it's own.

Her artwork on top, which also can be found on her Instagram. 
Emmi herself, is on the bottom with a peak at her 
beautiful Instagram.

Just going through Emmi's Instagram just makes me want to get in touch with my artful, creative side. I want to do the abstract painting that she does. I am debating maybe dipping my toes into the world of interior design. But I would also love to do something with photography. I need to buy a camera first. I always enjoy going on walks and taking pictures of flowers or something with my phone. I enjoy embracing my artistic eye for things.

Enough of sitting on the couch and saying what I am wanting to do. More of getting off the couch and actually doing it.

Leaving you with advice and inspiring words from Emmi

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