Thursday, March 31, 2016

Why I am a Sports Writer

Why do I do sports journalism? Well, because I feel like sports have values I value to my core. Also it is lighter news in this dark world. A lot lately in school I have been studying genocide in my history and my international relations classes. Also with the recent terrorist attack in Belgium and this up coming election in the States. It makes me wonder about humanity at times. It feels like there is a lot a bad in the world, and I have been having that feeling a lot this week. But, even though there is bad and ugly in the world, there is always the good, great, and beautiful.

Sports, is one of those things I consider the better side of humanity. Even though it is always all not that pretty peaceful at times, sports do have their not so great moments. But that is not the point of this post. The point is what it teaches the young, about the teamwork, hard work, sticking it out, cheering on each other, and the best not the least, being good sportsmen to each other.

I finished an interview today with the athletic director of my college today for a article that is coming up in the next issue. So we got into the interview more about the topic I was interviewing him about. Turns out the athletic department is helping out local community centers and giving camps to younger kids and teaching them about teamwork, and the value life lessons sports can teach you. While they are doing this they are showing that it is possible in the future these kids can come to college too and further their education. Madison College is not the only college or school that does this. The University of Wisconsin - Madison is doing volunteer work and camps for the community too with their athletic department. College students are not the only ones doing this as well, professional athletes give back too.

Just after realizing this after a rough week of learning about what horrible things people have done to each other in the world in the past, this was just a nice icing on the cake and gave me the realization that the good in the world shadows over the bad.

After 9/11 the United States got a chance to host the 2002 Winter Olympics. It was our chance to show the world, that we as a country came back from something really horrible, and we rose from the ashes. Even though we where a bruised country, we where a strong one.

Another reason why I do sports. I don't like to get very political. I don't like to talk about politics, personally, I never like offending anyone or getting offended myself and taking it out on the person I am talking to or people who I will see later in the day. I have seen this happen with people.

But that is not the main reason. The main reason is people do get overly offended and will find a way to take it out on the reporter. I heard stories about it, even though they are funny and no one gets hurt. But there are some cases it is not the case. Luckily we live in a part of the world where no one will get hurt by sharing their point of view on a topic. But other places journalists are not so lucky. Depending on which country you live in, and what type of government one is under you do not have a freedom of speech like we do here under our constitution. So these journalist either get beat up badly or worse murdered, if they write something that the government does not agree with.

This is not just a national thing, it's a international thing as well. If something is posted that is highly political or just a topic that is touchy at the time, a certain group can hunt down that certain newspaper and plan a bombing on the newspaper head quarters.

You think being a journalist is easy or not that hard. Think again. It's probably one of the dangerous jobs in the world depending on where you are in the world.

I picked my area of journalism because of values, and safety. Also being a sports journalist is fun. I get to do something I enjoy with something else I highly enjoy. I get to write about sports while I get to write and talk about them. I also get to tell stories that are being created everyday. I get to spread positive and good news in this dark world and put faith back in this darken thing we call humanity, that at times we are sure it is falling apart (which is not). I am here to re-insure you that humanity is not falling apart and that there is light and good in the world.

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