Sunday, December 17, 2017

Round the Riverbend: Got swept off in my little old kayak!

Sadly no kayaks where used in this adventure, it was mainly on land, and mainly in a building. Been spending time working either at the bar I work at or in the newsroom at school working on the paper, or working on school work. 

While being caught up in all this work, and sometimes doing this work over my breaks from school. The bar job is a year around job, with events that keep us busy year around. So I have not spent much time as I would've like writing on this blog. I have things same from around this time last year that I was working on. Miss those Minnesota Wild half season updates, and the full season updates? I have not worked on those since 2016. I do not think I have gotten past the outline of the half the 2016-17 season update for the Wild.

I do truly do enjoy writing those. But I feel a little burned out from doing stuff like that, because I do manage to do season update stuff for the Madison College WolfPack for the school's paper, plus the stress from my other classes I have taken over the semester. If school was not stressful, I don't think it would be worth it to get an education and a college degree of some sort. I am enjoying the first couple days on break, taking time out to actually relax, and it feels nice. I may not be on a beach somewhere, but I am relaxed.

I help create this spread. I wrote mainly the words, and the graphic 
team took care of creating the layout of the spread. I am VERY PROUD
of this spread we all created. I also did a video for the Women's Soccer
team going on their first trip to Nationals as well. I filmed and edited it

I am not burn out of writing sports or being a journalist, NEVER! But I am a little burn out writing this blog, because I am not sure how many people read it. I have a clue about where you guys are who read it. But I am not sure if I have a tight following. No one really comments on here, which makes me think I am shouting into a void that is the Internet. I am not trying to sound whiny or get more attention, no. I am trying to figure out what I want to go from here. Because I like blogging and telling stories of things I find interesting, I like to write, and also to get a little practice writing while I am not working on a newspaper. Busy hands are happy hands, idle hands are sad hands... the saying goes something like that?

Like you read before I like watching these vlogs that one of my old friends from Disney is doing on her second Cultural  Representative Program in Walt Disney World. Because I did the Disney College Program, and I like keeping in touch with friends who I did my Disney Internships with. While going through my journalism classes, I am learning that journalist now to be multimedia journalists, instead of something of just being a print journalists. So I have been debating about doing something like that, vlogging, I did it for a class before. But I don't know how I feel about filming everything I do, and carrying around a camera everywhere. I won't be doing that kind of vlogging though, thankfully. I am going to save that kind of vlogging for people who are doing a Disney Internship kind of thing, or traveling through Europe (Backpacking? Or just general kind of traveling, and want to bring people with). Also if I do vlog something, it'll be an adventure, and I will let you know what it is, and offer you all to tag a long with me.

I like that people do vlog their adventures to bring their family, friends and anyone who wants to come a long. But as a journalist, and person, when I tell stories, I like to write them out. I am a writer. So I do like to blog.  Like I said before I like blogging I find things interesting. I am giving you all a chance to be heard too. So in the comments blow let me know that you enjoy my content, and also what do you find interesting? I am taking your ideas, and running with them. If you do not want to comment on here, feel free to comment, message, or reply to me on the other social media forms I use to post this link on.

I enjoy talking about things I like, I just want to get to know my audience more. I want to talk to you guys, and find out more about you guys. Like sports, traveling, books, and other things? Like me. I am not planning on this blog being a professional one for my journalism career (which has not been created yet, if you where wondering), it's something fun, just like my friend, Darci's blog. It is about her, and her going through life, living her dream, and much more other stuff!  I am just trying to find a way where I want to go with this. Also I am going to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to all of you who have been reading this! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I am also planning on taking you guys through my journalism career adventures in becoming a journalist. So enjoy the ride with me!

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