Sunday, July 19, 2020

Write a Letter to 10 Year Old You

Lately we find ourselves in a very interesting 2020. None of us would've thought it would turn out how it turned out. A world health pandemic was never in our thoughts. No one thought we would be either locked down or isolating/quarantining (or whatever you want to call it) in March until June. Now that we are in the phase were things are opening up—with different views if we should or we should not, the fact that should we or should we not wear masks are in questioning. We are in July and about to find ourselves before we head into flu season; which is making experts question of what should we expect to see in Fall 2020 and Winter 2020-21, this may lead all to go back into another lockdown.

With all this pandemic stuff going on everywhere, including racial equality movements that are happening everywhere all around the world, the news, and also social media. It's a lot to take in for us all. With the world feeling like it's in the upside-down, and with everything going on, we do not know what it will turn into. There is a lot of uncertainty and confusion going on—we need to find some way to sort out how we feel about everything.

 Scott Mills (left) & Chris Stark (right) promoting their Saturdays morning show on BBC 5 Live. They 
 are also the afternoons on Mondays - Thursdays so on BBC Radio 1. [Photo credit from the BBC]

I was listening to BBC Radio 1 on Monday (July 13th), Scott Mills and Chris Stark where taking over the morning show for Greg James while he is taking time out for himself for a break this last week. I am not sure whose idea this was or where this idea came from... was found by one of them or a listener. The idea is to write a letter to your ten year old self trying to explain things to you then. The DJs said it did not necessarily have to be the pandemic or current worldwide events (but are welcomely included to be written about), it can be about what is going on in your life currently. Then explain about what is happening to you currently, to your ten year old self. Both advised to address it to your ten year old self too.

Mills and Stark were saying on air how much of a relief this was to do, and how much it helps out to think about things. Gives a different perspective on things as well too. I tried it today. I can confirms it feels wonderful! It's a bit hard once you get going on it. My first try I realized I was more writing more to an older me. I reread some of the first draft over and realized there would be words in there or how I was explaining things my ten year old self wouldn't be able to comprehend just yet. I was more writing to a 15 or a 20 year old me, than my ten year old self.

I ended up trying again, and it all clicked for me! After writing a few paragraphs I got into the flow of writing it. So I wrote all I could and managed to write a good four pages! Took a little break. Then after the break I came back and read it over to myself. When I read it to myself. I felt better about the things that are happening to me currently in my life. I included advice to me (well the advice I wish I to have received)—including other things I forget to include before that I realized I forgot to mention to myself.

I ended up writing to my ten year old self, my current self, and my future self giving myself words of encouragement at the end of the letter. Also, telling myself to stay true to myself and never lose sight of who I am.

I suggest everyone should give this a try! It will make you feel better about the current things going on in your world and the whole world itself. Right now it's a tough and dark time for us all. We all can get through this. Stay safe and healthy. Take care of yourself and others. Be kind. We will see the light at the end of the tunnel! Stay positive!